OR bad hair day for some by hair today gone tomorrow, donplaypuks® intrepid correspondent for NS Let's begin with paraphrasing one of Abraham Lincoln's famous speeches in a skewed way: "With malice towards none and charity for all, with firmness of hand and scissors as god (small 'g' fully intended) provides us with the right, let us strive to snip off as we please and then bind up the wounded to do all which may achieve and cherish to hasten the departure of our equal but separate citizens to foreign shores!" Interestingly, hair features prominently in many ancient tales and legends and religious beliefs. There is a Biblical one of Samson who is secretly bestowed with superhuman strength by his God to deliver the Israelites from the Philistines. But Samson's secret is betrayed by his lover Delilah for several hundred pieces of silver. The Hindu God Shiva loosens his matted locks to trap Ganga in his strands, preventing her raging torrents from flooding Earth. Anyone who looked at the Greek Medusa's serpentine locks turned to stone. Rapunzel had 100 metre-long tresses. Rastafarians prefer dreadlocks. Until recent times, the wearing of long hair by men was the norm in major cultures stretching from the Americas to Europe to all of Asia. Thus, there is nothing strange or startling or inhuman about 'Kes' or uncut hair bound in a turban which is sacred and fundamental to the Sikhs and Sikhism, as sacred and fundamental as pilgrimage to Mecca and 'Salah' or daily prayer is to Muslims, belief in Karma and Rebirth to Hindus, The Holy Trinity to Christians and The Eightfold Path to Buddhists. So, what transpired at the national service camp and the dismissal of a horrible and abhorrent incursion of an individual's inalienable human right as "no malice was intended" is as despicable, irresponsible, insensitive and callously arrogant as can only occur in a nation where day by day by the abject, pathetic and dangerously ignorant and bigoted worm their way into seats of power. What do you know about Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism who passed away on 22nd September 1539 in Kartapur, India (modern Pakistan)? "When it became clear that the death of Guru Nanak was near, a dispute arose among his followers. His Hindu followers wanted to cremate the remains while his Muslim followers wanted to bury the body following Islamic tradition. They brokered a compromise by suggesting that each group should place a garland of flowers beside his body, and those whose garland remained fresh after three days could dispose of his body according to their tradition. However, the next morning, upon raising the cloth under which the Guru Nanak’s body lay, only the flowers shared between his followers were found. The Hindus cremated their flowers whereas the Muslims buried theirs." click here Guru Nanak COMMANDED THE RESPECT OF HINDUS AND MUSLIMS!! Every religion has its revered holy founder and prophets and "must adhere" tenets. Who are you to ride roughshod over other people's beliefs? After all, regardless of which God you pray to, every human baby is born naturally with hair on its head. I say it is God's gift to humans. You mock or show disrespect to other peoples' beliefs and religions at your own risk. You are the same maggot who will issue international death threats for perceived insults against your religion; we have no respect for you, not an iota! These little Hitlers in Government will only learn their lesson when snared by their short and curlies and their little bits snipped off as Lorena Bobbit inflicted on her wayward husband John Wayne Bobbit! 1 Malaysia? Walk the talk today, now! donplaypuks® with people's hair, man |
MALAYSIA'S LEADING BLOG FOR SATIRE & MANGLISH. All characters in this blog are fictitious; any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely intentional!
by william randolph's hearse, donplaypuks® intrepid correspondent for hacks and dead bodies affairs
For the first time since 1917, the USA Pulitzer Prize was awarded to a foreign journalist from Apanama News Agency Limited (ANAL) of Malaysia for introducing a new brand of blazing and illuminating realism and daring writing hithero unknown in the annals of global journalism, human history and endeavour.
Such was the resonating international reverberation from the achievment of ANAL's hithero unknown scribe Bawang Buntutsan Tak Selamat that De Facto President Rosemajib who wears the pants and her husband, a house thrained and accomplished economical liar, hastened to reward Bawang, with tears of gratitude spouting from her eyes, $500,000 cash and 10 acres of State land and lifetime membership to their personal Twit and blog sites, free of charge.
De Facto President Rosemajib who wears the pants and her husband, the house thrained and accomplished economical liar,had proudly Twited:
"This piece of searing and awe-inspiring journalism ranks alongside that of our Tigers whose overwhelming victory in the FIFA World Cup Football 2010 Trophy Finals (well really, it was the underwhelming jaguh kampong Suzy Cup Football Competition for only a few South EAst Asian countries for the 1st time in donkey's ears, but a little exaggeration never hurt anyone) and who, besides also being rewarded with $500,000 cash and 10 acres of State land each, were also bestowed with, whoa generous or what, TWO lifetime FREE memberships to OUR personal Twit and blog sites!
This is what 1 Israe..er no, oops, I meant Malaysia, and Transformers...er no, oops I meant Transformation is all about. Now watch brain drain reverse. What will you get? Of course you will get esrever niard niarb! All for a PR spin outlay of only $100 million. See it's that easy. I give you $500,000 each, you vote for me. We have a deal or not? If you don't like it, you can emigrate to Tunisia."
The trail blazing Bawang was the first to report BREAKING NEWS that an Airheadless stewardess of Malaysian Chinese origins, Ms. Wong Noh Moh, had been found with her head separated from her body in the car park of a hotel in Holland. Double Dutch Netherlands police had apparently ruled out fowl play although there was overwhelming evidence Ms Noh Moh had earlier been battered to death and her body flung out the window of her fifth floor hotel room.
Speaking on conditions of anonymity from somewhere in Amsterdam, Ms Noh Moh had called up via her cellphone the heroic Bawang of ANAL to confess:
"Although my body has been sent to Malaysia for last rites and incineration, my head is still functioning here. It's in perfect working order. I am still alive and I can confirm thare's been no fowl play at all. It was all a misunderstanding. Please let our De Facto President Rosemajib who wears the pants and her husband, a house thrained and accomplished economical liar, know the thruth. I will reveal everything after the coroner's inquest and after the esteemed lawyer of 25 years standing for Cows and Cars Association of Malaysia demonstrates conclusively to the satisfaction of the whole world that I first ransacked my room, battered myself all over the body with a baseball bat, then strangled myself, jumped out my 5th floor hotel room window, hacked my head off and then disappeared.
Oh, before I switch off, can you also pass the message to our De Facto President Rosemajib who wears the pants and her husband, a house thrained and accomplished economical liar, that I too would like $500,000 cash, 10 acres of State land with, whoa generous or what, TWO lifetime FREE memberships to their personal Twit and blog sites? Kam Siah. I will be calling them personally from Disney Afterworld."
Elsewhere in 'Semua Bolih Selesai for $500,000 cash, 10 acres of State land with, whoa generous or what, TWO lifetime FREE memberships to the personal Twit and blog sites of De Facto President Rosemajib who wears the pants and her husband, a house thrained and accomplished economical liar, Land' Sir Wigs K9, de facto head honcho of the Parti RSPCA, threatened to pull his party out of the coalition government. In delivering his ultimatum to De Facto President Rosemajib who wears the pants and her husband, a house thrained and accomplished economical liar, K9 protested vehemently:
"How dare they refer to Pariah Mongrel Dogs as Pariah Mongrel Dogs? Can you call a donkey, a donkey, or a monkey, a monkey? Or a house thrained and accomplished economical liar, a house thrained and accomplished liar? Have they no respect for anything and anyone these days? Anything can be taught in the name of history and literature even if it's the thruth?
No, history is not about learning the thruth! See, the Japanese and Germans, supported by Maha Firaun, are now revealing the absolute thruth that World War 2 was not their fault at all; they were forced into defending themselves against a conspiracy hatched by Zionists, Americans, Britons and Tunisians.
I am going to see the Chief Justice to get an interlokutory injunction. Hopefully it will be granted by 2020 without having to plea bargain."
Upon hearing Wigs K9's publicly announced barking lamentations aired blaringly over state-of-the art Technic speakers during early morning prayer time near Kennel House, De Facto President Rosemajib who wears the pants and her husband, a house thrained and accomplished economical liar gave him a friendly warning:
"If you don't like it, Chennai awaits you with open arms! Or we can transfer you to the Johor Education Department. Would you like that? It can all be arranged for cash $500,000, 10 acres of State land with, whoa generous or what, TWO lifetime FREE memberships to the personal Twit and blog sites of De Facto President Rosemajib who wears the pants and her husband, a house thrained and accomplished economical liar. You want more.....perhaps a born again trophy virgin wife from West Asia or....a free trip to the UN General Assembly all expenses paid..."
donplaypuks® with our patience, man!
For the first time since 1917, the USA Pulitzer Prize was awarded to a foreign journalist from Apanama News Agency Limited (ANAL) of Malaysia for introducing a new brand of blazing and illuminating realism and daring writing hithero unknown in the annals of global journalism, human history and endeavour.
Such was the resonating international reverberation from the achievment of ANAL's hithero unknown scribe Bawang Buntutsan Tak Selamat that De Facto President Rosemajib who wears the pants and her husband, a house thrained and accomplished economical liar, hastened to reward Bawang, with tears of gratitude spouting from her eyes, $500,000 cash and 10 acres of State land and lifetime membership to their personal Twit and blog sites, free of charge.
De Facto President Rosemajib who wears the pants and her husband, the house thrained and accomplished economical liar,had proudly Twited:
"This piece of searing and awe-inspiring journalism ranks alongside that of our Tigers whose overwhelming victory in the FIFA World Cup Football 2010 Trophy Finals (well really, it was the underwhelming jaguh kampong Suzy Cup Football Competition for only a few South EAst Asian countries for the 1st time in donkey's ears, but a little exaggeration never hurt anyone) and who, besides also being rewarded with $500,000 cash and 10 acres of State land each, were also bestowed with, whoa generous or what, TWO lifetime FREE memberships to OUR personal Twit and blog sites!
This is what 1 Israe..er no, oops, I meant Malaysia, and Transformers...er no, oops I meant Transformation is all about. Now watch brain drain reverse. What will you get? Of course you will get esrever niard niarb! All for a PR spin outlay of only $100 million. See it's that easy. I give you $500,000 each, you vote for me. We have a deal or not? If you don't like it, you can emigrate to Tunisia."
The trail blazing Bawang was the first to report BREAKING NEWS that an Airheadless stewardess of Malaysian Chinese origins, Ms. Wong Noh Moh, had been found with her head separated from her body in the car park of a hotel in Holland. Double Dutch Netherlands police had apparently ruled out fowl play although there was overwhelming evidence Ms Noh Moh had earlier been battered to death and her body flung out the window of her fifth floor hotel room.
Speaking on conditions of anonymity from somewhere in Amsterdam, Ms Noh Moh had called up via her cellphone the heroic Bawang of ANAL to confess:
"Although my body has been sent to Malaysia for last rites and incineration, my head is still functioning here. It's in perfect working order. I am still alive and I can confirm thare's been no fowl play at all. It was all a misunderstanding. Please let our De Facto President Rosemajib who wears the pants and her husband, a house thrained and accomplished economical liar, know the thruth. I will reveal everything after the coroner's inquest and after the esteemed lawyer of 25 years standing for Cows and Cars Association of Malaysia demonstrates conclusively to the satisfaction of the whole world that I first ransacked my room, battered myself all over the body with a baseball bat, then strangled myself, jumped out my 5th floor hotel room window, hacked my head off and then disappeared.
Oh, before I switch off, can you also pass the message to our De Facto President Rosemajib who wears the pants and her husband, a house thrained and accomplished economical liar, that I too would like $500,000 cash, 10 acres of State land with, whoa generous or what, TWO lifetime FREE memberships to their personal Twit and blog sites? Kam Siah. I will be calling them personally from Disney Afterworld."
Elsewhere in 'Semua Bolih Selesai for $500,000 cash, 10 acres of State land with, whoa generous or what, TWO lifetime FREE memberships to the personal Twit and blog sites of De Facto President Rosemajib who wears the pants and her husband, a house thrained and accomplished economical liar, Land' Sir Wigs K9, de facto head honcho of the Parti RSPCA, threatened to pull his party out of the coalition government. In delivering his ultimatum to De Facto President Rosemajib who wears the pants and her husband, a house thrained and accomplished economical liar, K9 protested vehemently:
"How dare they refer to Pariah Mongrel Dogs as Pariah Mongrel Dogs? Can you call a donkey, a donkey, or a monkey, a monkey? Or a house thrained and accomplished economical liar, a house thrained and accomplished liar? Have they no respect for anything and anyone these days? Anything can be taught in the name of history and literature even if it's the thruth?
No, history is not about learning the thruth! See, the Japanese and Germans, supported by Maha Firaun, are now revealing the absolute thruth that World War 2 was not their fault at all; they were forced into defending themselves against a conspiracy hatched by Zionists, Americans, Britons and Tunisians.
I am going to see the Chief Justice to get an interlokutory injunction. Hopefully it will be granted by 2020 without having to plea bargain."
Upon hearing Wigs K9's publicly announced barking lamentations aired blaringly over state-of-the art Technic speakers during early morning prayer time near Kennel House, De Facto President Rosemajib who wears the pants and her husband, a house thrained and accomplished economical liar gave him a friendly warning:
"If you don't like it, Chennai awaits you with open arms! Or we can transfer you to the Johor Education Department. Would you like that? It can all be arranged for cash $500,000, 10 acres of State land with, whoa generous or what, TWO lifetime FREE memberships to the personal Twit and blog sites of De Facto President Rosemajib who wears the pants and her husband, a house thrained and accomplished economical liar. You want more.....perhaps a born again trophy virgin wife from West Asia or....a free trip to the UN General Assembly all expenses paid..."
donplaypuks® with our patience, man!