by holier-than-thou, donplaypuks® intrepid correspondent for hypocritical affairs
Who was
it who said that behind every fortune there's a great crime, and who was it who
said sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander?
ex-prime minister Maha Firaun's (MF) stirring conclusion on Friday the
13th of March 2015, that a mere audit of the books of accounts of 1MDB
would not suffice, and that what was called for, was a forensic police
investigation of those involved in its financial administration, is the
stuff of some of the great calls for truth, transparency, accountability and
justice in history. Emile Zola and J'accuse, Watergate and Nixon's fall from
grace, Sherron Watkins's anonymous letter to CEO and Chairman of Enron, Ken Lay,
the re-opening of the JFK assassination all spring to mind.
That MF
charging in on a white horse with sword in hand to slay the beasts of iniquity
in 1MDB would be a sight to behold. It would have the Rakyat lining the streets
and cheering themselves hoarse, were it not for that slight, oh so slight,
suspicions that many may have, that were Maha Firaun himself subjected to that
very acid test, that "forensic police investigation", of his
and his sons' Billion ringgit fortune and empires, and of the various financial
and administrative scandals that surfaced during his 22-year tenure as prime
minister, there might emerge a huge stink, and he would miserably fail that
searching examination of his honesty, integrity and truthfulness.
Perish the
thought that Maha Firaun and his sons may have to endure lodgings at His
Majesty's pleasure!
let's ask Maha Firaun anyway and see how it pans out:
1. How
is it that despite a Malaysian Malay accountant being murdered in Hong Kong,
and the 1983 collapse of Bumiputra Finance Malaysia (BMF) in 1983 and the near
collapse of Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Berhad (BBMB), and three senior Bumiputra
directors of BMF absconding overseas, you said that no crime was committed in
Malaysia, and no one was charged for any crime here? Cost to the Rakyat - RM2.5
2. How
do you justify bringing back into government the forex trader mainly
responsible for the Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) loss of RM 6 billion
(some say RM30 billion) and that man today continues to work at a most senior
position in the prime minister's office? What about the accounting fraud
whereby these losses were netted off against revaluation of BNM's gold and
other reserves to show a net gain? Why was there no Royal Commission of Inquiry
to determine if fraud was committed and to bring to book those responsible?
Cost to the Rakyat - RM6-30 billion.
3. What
was your role in the collapse of tin prices and the MAMINCO fiasco in
1981? Cost to the Rakyat - RM1.6 billion.
4. How
do you (and Diam Diam) justify buying MAS shares at RM8 when the market price
was RM3.68? Cost to the Rakyat - RM1.8 billion plus RM8 billion in bailouts.
5. What
was your role in fixing the appointment of judges vis-a-vis Limgamgate and the
2008 RCI, which recommended that the Attorney General investigate you? Cost to
the Rakyat - Untold RM billions.
6. How
did the railway double tracking project start at RM45 billion, then come down
to RM22 billion and for a final bid of RM14.5 billion, when the
"entrepreneur" concerned was known to be looking at sub-contracting
out the work for RM 9 billion? Cost to the nation - RM5.5 billion.
7. You
were the adviser to a national car company which wrote off in 2005 RM348
million on its investment in a motor-bike company, which it sold to undisclosed
third parties for 1 Euro. How come you said you were not consulted about
this fiasco? Was there fraud? Cost to the GLC - RM348 million.
8. How
did so many thousand of Approved Permits (AP) for cars end up cornered by 4 AP
Kings? Why did you not monitor your minister, that so-called fraud Iron Lady,
RApidfire woman? Cost to the Rakyat - conservatively, RM 30,000 per AP x 1,000AP's per year x 15 years = RM45 billion.
How do you justify paying RM1.7 billion to buy out a shipping and
logistics concern, you son's Plc, following its torpedoing in the wake of the
1998 Asian Financial Crisis, when it was cheaper to hire ships and
tankers in the open market? What "strategic concern" was it that has not survived? Cost to the Rakyat - RM1.7 billion.
10. Why
was FOMEMO, a cash cow business owned 100% by the Rakyat, transferred to a Plc
in which your son was a controlling investor? Cost to the Rakyat over 15 years - M15 billion.
11. Why
did you complain about having to kow-tow to a famous Sil, KJ, for a direct-nego
non-open tendered out Telekom's contract for your son? Cost to the Rakyat? RM
50 million.
12. How
did your son so quickly acquire massive contracts from an oil monopoly for
"marginal oil-field" and other contracts worth billions of ringgit?
By open tender, hard work, know-how and dedication or Daddy Kasi?
What was the haste in awarding IPP licences and direct-nego non-open tendered
out contracts circa 2000 to "entrepreneurs" regarded as your cronies, resulting
in an unheard of 45% surplus electricity capacity and costing Tenaga RM15
billion + a year in unwanted and unutilised electricity? Cost to the Rakyar
over 15 years - RM225 billion!!!
14. Who
are the real shareholders of your bread company and where did the capital for
it come from? How did you secure a Japanese partner? Was it because of secret deals done for a certain national car company? Any money laundered, with BNM blindfolded?
15. Where did you get all those millions of dollars from, and from whom, to finance supply ships to Palestine? Who audited those accounts - the Big 4?
15. Where did you get all those millions of dollars from, and from whom, to finance supply ships to Palestine? Who audited those accounts - the Big 4?
What about the 1987 Perwaja steel company collapse after you crowned its leader
CEO of the Year? Cost to the Rakyat - RM1.2 billion + repeated bailouts, possibly another $3 billion.
17. Why
have you been retained as adviser of a car company again, when its been sold to
a Plc? After its collapse happened while you were the previous adviser, why are
you still there? To preside over another collapse and bailout by the Rakyat?
Have you always had a secret shareholding in it, that 5% owned by Syarikat
Rahsia Cepat Kaya Semalam (Secret Company For Get Rich Quick By Yesterday)?
So, total loss to the nation during Maha Firaun's 22-year benevolent dictatorship, is conservatively estimated at RM 500 BILLION OR HALF A TRILLION!! My, my that's a heck of a lot more than 1MDB's RM46 billion debt, isn't it?
So, who should be visited first for a forensic investigation by the police? Maha Firaun or 1MDB?
So, total loss to the nation during Maha Firaun's 22-year benevolent dictatorship, is conservatively estimated at RM 500 BILLION OR HALF A TRILLION!! My, my that's a heck of a lot more than 1MDB's RM46 billion debt, isn't it?
So, who should be visited first for a forensic investigation by the police? Maha Firaun or 1MDB?
were many more financial scandals and irregularities during Maha Firaun's long
and tiresome reign, but time and space constrains me from listing them all. But
besides the financial fiascos, there were the moral ones about which he did
very little to rectify, fearing the total collapse of NEW BUMNO/SCUMNO. The
answers to the following dirty dozen of the best questions will reveal the frightening scale of that
negligence and moral decay:
1. Who
was the Chief Editor of a mainstream newspaper who had an affair with a young
girl while his wife lay paralysed in bed?
2. Who
was the Chief Minister who eloped to Thailand to secretly marry his second
3. Who
was the Federal Minister who later became a prime minister and who was caught
with a female artiste in a Port Dickson hotel room?
4. Who
was the Federal Minister whose brother was arrested for drug trafficking?
5. Who
was the Federal Minister who enticed someone else's wife resulting in a broken
6. Who
was the Chief Minister who had an affair with an under-aged girl?
7. Who
was the Chief Minister who had an affair with a girl who gave birth to an
illegitimate child?
8. Who
was the Chief Minister who maintained an under-aged mistress at a condominium
in KL?
9. Who
was the Chief Minister who had an affair with his sister-in-law who gave birth
to an illegitimate baby?
10. Who
was the religious leader who had an illicit affair with a woman and is now
holding a prominent position in a very important religious body?
11. Who
was a BUMNO/SCUMNO lawyer who became the senior-most judge, took a beauty as a second wife in a marriage ceremony performed by a Thai kadi operating from a textile shop in Perlis, asked her to burn
their marriage certificate, and then had the court annul their marriage a year
or two later for want of proof of marriage?
12. Who was the Federal Deputy Minister who was not investigated for the murder of a Malay GRO with whom he was having an affair? Police apparently were alone in the dead girl's apartment for two hours removing all evidence. Later, the dead girl's flat mate was charged with murder, but was acquitted without his defence being called.
12. Who was the Federal Deputy Minister who was not investigated for the murder of a Malay GRO with whom he was having an affair? Police apparently were alone in the dead girl's apartment for two hours removing all evidence. Later, the dead girl's flat mate was charged with murder, but was acquitted without his defence being called.
Donplaypuks® with what's sauce for the goose, man!