by E.S. Shankar
Ex-PM Najib and Deputy PM Zahid Hamidi appear to be saying that because many got away with daylight robbery under Mahathir's 22-year Ketuanist Bumiputra era, they too should be allowed to go away quietly into retirement, instead of being publicly prosecuted for 1MDB/SRC's missing RM46 billion and their excessive, unaccountable wealth and probably spend a long time in Bamboo River Resort (to which name I own the copyright!).
Quick as a flash, now MMC-Gamuda has followed suit in warning the government of dire consequences if it went through with terminating them as Project Deliver Partner (PDP) for the underground portion of the RM16.71 Billion MRT2 contract. Does this false bravado have anything to do with the fact that a member of the Perak Royalty is both a director and shareholder of Gamuda?
The thieves, the plunderers, the toll highway robbers, the IPP mafia, the water pilferers and others have all started attacking the PH government, not for thievery and corruption, but for trying to rein in inflated public works contracts and to stop the bleeding. They have taken the cue from UMNO, Najib and Zahid. Bluff and counter bluff have been followed with UMNO's unprincipled credo - attack is the best form of defence.
But MMC-Gamuda is fooling no one. It was appointed Project Delivery Partner (PDP) by Najib via direct-nego, NOT through OPEN TENDER!
The fact that MMC-Gamuda so readily agreed to reduce the MRT2 price from RM16.71 billion to RM14.58 billion (12.75%) AFTER Tony Pua and Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng appointed an independent engineering consultant to sift through the numbers, tells us everything. There is an indication now that in fact the underground portion of the MRT2 contract could possibly be reduced by a staggering RM5.79 billion or 35%.
It is of course a well-known fact that under Bijan, the price of public works contracts could be artificially inflated to either facilitate "donations" to UMNO/BN and/or reduce 1MDB's humongous debts. Najib's (now cancelled by the PH govt) $55 billion ECRL contract had been gassed up with RM30 billion of fictitious scope of works. Much earlier, in 2002, the RM7.5 billion Scorpene Submarines contract had been primed with a RM 575 million fictitious "co-ordination and support services" fee.
So, to hell with MMC-Gamuda! Let the MoF terminate this ridiculously and obscenely priced contract and get a new one in place through Open Tender. I am for it even if it means a higher MRT2 price as it will put crooks and thieves in jail.
I assure you, 20,000 people will not lose their jobs, nor the KLSE crash if MMC-Gamuda were to be taken to the cleaners and shut down permanently. The Dow Jones did not sink into oblivion because Enron folded up or when USA was reeling under the US$700 billion sub-prime crisis. So, we must recognise MMC-Gamuda threatening Tony Pua/LGE and MoF for what it is - the empty words of those caught with their pants down and trying to pull a fast one on us.
MMC-Gamuda should also be taken to task for playing the racist Bumiputra card, while saying nothing or caring for non-Bumis who might lose their jobs. This was surely to stir up the hornet's nest among the natives!
So, Tony Pua, Lim Guan Eng, MOF and the PH government, you have been too kind to MMC-Gamuda. Give us the cue and we will march with you to MMC and Gamuda's HQ and tear down their walls to confiscate all those incriminating files and documents. You have the power, use it especially as it will be for honesty, truth and justice. The Rakyat will back you all the way.
Public companies which have risen and prospered largely through multi-billion ringgit public works direct-nego contracts financed by the Taxpayer, and who are ungrateful, should be taught a severe lesson for trying to hold us to ransom!
Public companies which have risen and prospered largely through multi-billion ringgit public works direct-nego contracts financed by the Taxpayer, and who are ungrateful, should be taught a severe lesson for trying to hold us to ransom!