'We Shall Never Surrender!' by E.S. Shankar
In 1940 when World
War 2 had already started and elitists, upper class politicians, fascists and even some members of the British Royal Family wanted to surrender to Hitler,
prime minister Winston Churchill galvanized Britain to fight back, with his stirring 'We
Shall Never Surrender' speech in Parliament. British Union of Fascists
(BUF) leader Oswald Mosley had campaigned to negotiate peace with Hitler. Ex-prime minister Neville Chamberlain and Viscount Halifax, the Foreign Secretary, favoured appeasement. When he saw that Churchill had won overwhelmingly Parliamentary support not to surrender with his oratory, Halifax was quoted as saying "Churchill
just mobilized the English language and sent it to war (against Hitler)!"
What is happening
right now on our shores is the same evil fascism and Nazism that surfaced in 1939.
Mahathir, Azmin and Muhyiddin had all agreed publicly with Anwar Ibrahim (PKR),
Lim Kit Siang (DAP), Mat Sabu (Amanah) and Shafie Apdal (Warisan, Sabah) to
join forces under the umbrella of the Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition to bring down
the evil and crooked government of thieves under Najib & UMNO/BN, at the 14th General Election held on 9th May 2018. PH secured victory with Mahathir as the interim prime minister. Many in Mahathir's Bersatu party (PPBM) would not have been elected had not PKR and DAP graciously agreed to drop their own party candidates and allowed them to campaign under their banners!
Two policy cornerstones, again agreed to and announced publicly by the partners in the PH coalition well BEFORE GE14, were:
1. That Mahathir would be the interim prime minister and hand over office to Anwar Ibrahim after two years.
2. The PH Manifesto, which included institutional reforms such as limiting the prime minister's tenure of office to two years, bipartisan Parliamentary appointment of key officers such as the Inspector General of Police, Attorney General, Auditor General etc, and review and repeal of repressive laws.
Almost immediately after securing victory and forming the majority government, Mahathir and Muhyiddin began stonewalling on these reforms. The Institutional Reforms Committee Report compiled by ex-Bersih head Ambiga Sreenevasan, has not seen the light of day after it was submitted to Mahathir in July 2018!!! Other reforms, proposed by the Council of Eminent Persons appointed by Mahathir himself, have been buried under the 1972 Official Secrets Act.
As it is now clear, without a shadow of a doubt, Mahathir has been blatantly lying to the entire world for 21 months that he would hand over power to Anwar Ibrahim.
More so, he was the main architect behind the conspiracy to destroy the PH coalition from within.
More so, he was the main architect behind the conspiracy to destroy the PH coalition from within.
So, the coup d'etat by Mahathir, Azmin and Muhyiddin last Saturday to take over the reins of power and government through the backdoor was a dirty, dark, filthy, cowardly act. The trio dared not ask for a vote of no confidence on the floor of Parliament or for it to be dissolved and go for a snap election. They knew that they would be wiped out in the resulting public anger and backlash. In a desperate last ditch effort after all avenues failed, the evil, nasty trio now propose to join forces with Najib and his ex-government of UMNO/BN thieves, PAS and possibly, Sabah and Sarawak parties to form the new government.
This is akin to the police, prosecutors and judges forming a cosy exclusive club with murderers, fraudsters, looters, plunderers, kidnappers, religious extremists, racists, thieves and robbers they themselves convicted! It is as disgraceful and shameless as it can get. This naked grab for power has finally exposed the Malay-Muslim supremacist (Ketuanist) aims of Mahathir and his treacherous cabal.
What should we do to stop it? We must back to the maximum Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Mat Sabu, Khalid Samad, Hannah Yeoh, Yeo Bee Yin, Gobind Singh, Teresa Kok, M.Kula, Charles Santiago, Xavier Jayakumar and many others from PKR/DAP/AMANAH who are standing up to this tyranny so that the Gestapo and Nazism will not take root here.
Each and every one of you must call your MP who has switched parties in the PH constituency you voted at, and tell them in no uncertain terms that you will kick them out if snap elections are held or anyway in 2023. Voice your protest on twitter, Facebook, Instagram, blogs etc. Do not for one moment think that your voice will not matter and do nothing. Write, email, whatsapp, tweet and sms to your Chief Minister, Sultan, Governor and the Agong.
Whatever the shortcomings of Anwar Ibrahim and DAP, they do not stand accused of multiple murders, enforced abductions, RM46 billion fraud, signing inflated RM55 billion railway contracts with fictitious scope of works to launder money, state buying of private assets at inflated valuations and flogging sovereign assets later with multi-billion ringgit losses, massive corruption and plundering the Treasury, leaving it with over RM1 Trillion in debt and contingent liabilities.
Do not be afraid. Remember that Mahathir, Azmin, Muhy and their traitorous followers and partners are afraid of us; they fear the open vote. That is why there have been all these secret plans and cloak and dagger stuff. THEY FEAR US MORE LIKE NEVER BEFORE!
To paraphrase Churchill: Upon this battle depends the survival of our Malaysian civilization!
When thousand of troops perished at Dunkirk, Churchill roused a nation to victory later with his 'This Was Their Finest Hour' speech:
"Let us therefore brace ourselves
to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the British Empire and its
Commonwealth lasts for a thousand years, men
will still say, "This was their finest hour."
To paraphrase George Bush: We shall not waver, we shall not tire, we shall not falter and we shall not fail. Honor, ethics, morals, principles, truth, justice, peace and freedom shall prevail.
With one very important exception to Churchill, we shall fight them in the court of public opinion, in the halls of justice and at the ballot box. We shall follow the Gandhian principle of NON-VIOLENCE.
Remember, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts."
Remember, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts."
We shall never surrender!