by cecil lichfield kodakaroid, donplaypuks® intrepid photographer for tete-a-tete affairs
some easy to identify, others not so!
(place cursor on pic for answer)
dang it, those hindraf and Mohd. ISA blogger abolishionists did not turn up!!! wonder which open house paid for with millions of taxpayers' money they gate-crashed? and the PM and some wooden cabinet members were miffed they did not wish everyone bon hari raya? they forgot 2007 when they held their agm on deepavali day and in 2008 announced elections during chinese new year celebrations?
respect gets as respect gives.
and when citizens are arrested for legitimately (as guaranteed by the Constitution) protesting (totally peacefully) against the government and are then sprayed with tear gas and pepper-laced water and finally held in prison without charge or trial under draconian prevention of terrorism laws, you think they should crawl on their knees and beg for mercy?
one day when it happens to the powers-that-be or their kith and kin, only then will they realise the enormity of the crime and injustice they have committed!!
did donplaypuks® miss any? do you know of some famous hats?
donplaypuks® with my tea mates, man!!
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