

by donplaypuks® at http://donplaypuks.blogspot.com

Today marks the 114th anniversary of the greatest newspaper article of all time - 'J'accuse' - written and published on 13th January 1898 by Emile Zola. As my homage to Zola and J'accuse, I reprise below my earlier blog post of 9 July 2010.

Alongside and before 'J'accuse' stands the American Declaration of Independence of 4th July 1776 with its electrifying 'We hold these truths to be self-evident.' This proclamation must rank as a sacred formulation of the fundamental rights of every human being and represents the pinnacle of human intellect in freeing us from a kind of mental slavery that certain men can command and rule us at their whims and fancies as if by divine right.

This reprisal is timely as it comes in the wake of Anwar Ibrahim's acquittal from sodomy charges, heralding a new brighter dawn for the nation.

Meanwhile 'the Good Dr.M' continues to sow the seeds of dissent and disunity while continuing to support the regime of a lying Prime Minister who propels us closer to a totalitarian state as the last strategy for his Party to cling on to power. 

Note too that Dr.Mahathir presides as paid "adviser" to the fast sinking Proton Holdings which for the umpteenth time has entered into discussions for either take over by or collaboration deals with successful foreign automotive giants while at the same time championing dodgy, cosy deals with local "auto czars" and "top Proton management." 

Of course, he is also paid "adviser" to Petronas which has embarked on farming out "marginal oilfield exploration rights" worth $billions to private companies. And who should be the primary beneficiary of these "direct negotiation" ventures? - surprise! surprise! it's none other than a consortium in which Dr.M's son has a major stake. Can anyone tell us what exactly is a "marginal oil field" that Pertonas is forsaking exploration of while Mirzan Mahathir and his partners, which includes foreign parties, are willing to sink in their own capital of US$400 million?

Everywhere we look, our treasured GLC's, like MAS, are falling over like tenpins. After announcing humongous operating losses, they are being patched up together by the same management teams which proudly announced after the previous restructuring (costing the Taxpayer tens of $billions) that it was the best ever and they had seen the "light at the end of the tunnel" and "turned the corner" after "leaving no stone unturned" in their search for viable solutions.

Previously, Dr.M, as long-standing "adviser", claimed he hadn't a clue about the fiasco in Proton writing off $560 million of its disastrous investment in motor-cycle manufacturer MV Augusta and selling it off for Euro 1. Consequently, Mahathir's handpicked MD for Proton, Tengku Mahaleel, was sacked. Mahathir again pleased "Que?" When Najib engineered the retirement of Petronas CEO Tan Sri Hassan Merican in order to ease in his dubious crony Omar Mustapha Ong (of Ethos Consulting fame) on to the Board of Directors, again it would appear, if it can be believed, Dr.Mahathir was not consulted??!!

One can only suppose that Dr.Mahathir, now wiser when even longer in the tooth, is taking an ever closer interest in the manoeuvrings going on in Proton and Petronas, which in turn is bound to be the harbinger of more Taxpayer $billion bailouts and economic rape of our "safe deposit" petroleum resources.

So,let's learn to recognise Mahathirism whenever and wherever we encounter it, and extinguish it from the face of the earth. 

9th July 2010


The 112th anniversary of the publication of the most famous denouncement in the history of the world of a racist conspiracy quietly passed us by on 13th January. The French writer Emile Zola took on the might of the entire Government of France when he sounded that clarion call for justice in the L' Aurore newspaper in Paris on 13th January 1898.

'J’accuse’ or ‘I Accuse’ represents the triumph of human intellect, endeavour, strength and resolve over hopeless odds when faced with institutionalised government misbehaviour, thuggery and gangsterism.

I had recourse to ‘J’Accuse’ in an earlier blog in 2008 click here 

There are other epochal markers for human intellectual development like the 1776 ‘American Declaration of Independence’ with its doctrine of self- evident truths, that all men are created equal by their Creator with inalienable human rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, and......especially that:

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the GOVERNED”.

Were you not inspired by Lincoln’s ‘Gettysburg Address’?:

“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

.... that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain - that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom— and that a government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

Or by Churchill’s war speeches as he stood alone against the onslaught of Hitler, The Third Reich, Gestapo, ‘blue eyed and blonde’ Aryan superiority racist Nazism hypothesis, Holocaust, Mussolini and Hirohito, fascism and an Axis of Evil:

“I would say to the House, as I said to those who have joined this Government: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, sweat and tears......

....our policy is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us.....against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime..... You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be.....

We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even...armed and guarded....we would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.”

Stirring words and actions such as these represent the uncanny arrival of the right men and women at the right time to lead, guide and inspire the world to safety. They feature prominently among the pinnacles of the advancement of human mind and ethics.


When I first watched the black and white movie versions of 'The Life of Emile Zola' and 'The Dreyfus Affair' on Malaysian TV, I must have been 17 or so. The anti-Semitic aspect of the Dreyfus saga did not register much with me then though that was the central reason for the victimisation of Dreyfus, seen as a pushover by dark and dangerous elements in the admiralty of the French Navy. Most of my classmates and schoolmates, including me, were politically ignorant and naive even at a time when the Vietnam War was raging so close to home and the 1969 race riots, pretty much restricted to Malays and Chinese in Selangor, Ipoh and Penang following the general elections, changed our world! Back then, Kuala Lumpur was part of Selangor; it became the first Federal Territory on 1st February 1974.

But if today, anyone here were to say he is ignorant of the Israeli-Palestine conflict or the USA-Iran/Afghan War when Malaysians have justifiably sponsored and boarded flotillas heading for Gaza, and unjustifiably spawned local bomb makers and regional terrorists, that would be the height of ignorance or hypocrisy!

So, as in 1957 and 1969, Malaysia is once again at a crossroads. Now, we are faced with a right wing organisation, an NGO which claims to represent an “oppressed MAJORITY”! Now, isn’t that a little odd, if not an awful lot, given they are celebrating the 40th anniversary of the New Economic Policy (NEP)? More than that, the last 40 years has seen the almost complete domination at every level of Government, the Civil Service, Army, Navy and Air Force, Police, Judiciary, the administrative and teaching corps at Government owned schools, colleges and universities and Government Linked Companies (GLC's) such as Petronas, Sime Darby, MAS, Maybank and sports organisations, scouts movement and many others, by one group of Malaysians over any other.

Yet, they would have us believe, this has created an unprecedented level of insecurity among the majority that seemingly defies analysis. The NEP was formulated in 1970 to address the charge that indigenous Bumiputra majority in Malaysia only owned some 2% of the economy and to rectify the imbalance therein through affirmative action policies. It was meant to be terminated 20 years later, but never was by ex-Prime Minister Dr.Mahathir Mohamad (1981-2003) who summarily claimed its objectives had not been fully realised yet, though he never disclosed any independent statistics to support his fiat.

Some fifteen years later, a leading and highly respected PhD holding analyst and researcher with government resigned his post when his statement that Bumiputras had achieved 45% control of the economy was hotly disputed by then Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Najib Razak (now Prime Minister). It appears that equity valuations are still stated at original cost and not market values!

After 40 years of NEP, our government claims that the originally loosely stated Bumiputra target of 30% share of economy languishes at just under 20% and that of the 40% of the population classified as ‘poor’ by international yardsticks, Bumiputras constitute the majority!!

Whose fault is all that? Who is responsible for the gross abuse of the NEP to the extent that it only benefited a relatively few cronies, politicians, insiders, the elite and well-connected businessmen and corporate raiders to the tune of billions of dollars, while the masses ate cake? Who's exclusively been holding the reins of power since 1957? Who takes ownership for the endemic corruption and billion dollar financial scandals, the economic looting and plunder that continue to rock and quake the country?

This has led to vociferous demands amid much public hand wringing, breast beating and self-flagellation, prominently backed by Dr.Mahathir that Bumiputras who perhaps constitute some 60% of the populace, should by some law of inverted logic control and share in 67% of the national cake! The NGO leader and his acolytes aver they have a right to speak up and demand actions based on their view of right and wrong, on any and all issues involving or affecting Bumiputra rights; that they have “wide and enormous” support from the “indigenous heartland’ (wherever that may be).

Many suspect Dr.Mahathir is the real brain-child and power behind this NGO whose public leader gained a parliamentary seat standing as a candidate under the banner of Malaysia’s opposition religious party, PAS, then defected and now operates as an independent MP. Apparently his friendly overtures to the ruling party were roundly and pointedly, ignored!

Accusations have also been hurled against the ruling party that it has outsourced its extremist right wing elements and leanings to Dr.Mahathir and this new kid on the block NGO, thus killing two birds with one stone - appearing to be a moderate multi-racial consensus party AND portraying itself as the only party capable of dealing with overt chauvinism and extremism.

The stance and line of attack taken by Dr.Mahathir and this NGO is very, very clear:

1. The Ruling Party is no longer capable of protecting Bumiputra rights.

2. NEP should continue indefinitely until they and only they say, “enough”.

3. Their demands are backed by ‘Special Position’ clauses enshrined in the Federal Constitution.

4. The award of citizenship to immigrant populations in 1957 was a deliberate act of sabotage by the departing colonial British administration. That this somehow created what is in reality a 2nd class citizenship and a “Social Contract” whereby these immigrant citizens, their children and the children of their children ad infinitum will not question their government, ever, even if the Flames of Valhalla were to engulf them.

5. "Others" should not question anything pertaining to the NEP, its cost or who bears it in what proportion even if there is blatant abuse of it. (This implies the NEP exists only to rectify the economic imbalance among one group of Malaysians and not all, through affirmative action policies which are not defined).

6. Demands by other Malaysian citizens as to their Constitutional rights is not quite cricket, as by virtue of the (iffy) “Social Contract” they are 2nd class citizens!

7. That Opposition political parties such as multi-racial Democratic Action Party (DAP) (unlike the major component parties of the ruling Barisan National (BN) where memberships are by race) are anti-Bumiputra, anti-Islam, anti-Federal Constitution and anti-Monarchy (anti-Sultans). That DAP’s malevolent, treacherous and treasonous "secret" master plan/agenda is for the Chinese to re-colonise Malaysia with help from Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore to eventually turn it into a vassal and protectorate slave state of China. The woodwork is crawling with foreign spies out to wreck our nation!

8. If not, multi-racial opposition Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) or People's Justice Party, is anti-Monarchy, pro-Israel and Pro-Zionists. It will turn Malaysia into a Republic and the 51st state of the USA, which, being ruled by proxy by Israel (as revealed so swimmingly by none other than Dr.Mahathir), shall surely result in Malaysia eventually being controlled by the Jews and their Diaspora!


Now we can clearly see in all its glorious nakedness the intentions of Dr.Mahathir, the new NGO, the ruling party and its MSM in the incessant demonising of DAP, PKR and its leaders. Attack is the best form of defence and when in doubt, play the man, not the ball (my tribute to World Cup Football)! Nazi Joseph's Goebbels' "A big lie when repeated often enough eventually will be accepted as the truth” has become fashionable political strategy. Ooh, you are about to be re-colonised and made 2nd class citizens in your own land by the minority and their foreign imperialistic allies! Boo, beware, or else your children will only be fit to be gardeners, chauffeurs, taxi and bus drivers, office and messenger boys, coolies and keranis (clerks)!

That it should fall to a non-entity, the little guy, the nobody, the small time blogger to sound the nation and the world, raise the cudgel and hopefully strike a blow for reason, freedom, truth and justice to prevail is a little worrying. All these people whom I revere and whose names I have sprinkled about as though I can claim a right to be associated with them - Washington, Lincoln, Churchill and Zola, oh Emile Zola, I ask for their forgiveness.

I am once again drawn to the 1776 ‘American Declaration of Independence’:

“..That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organising its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness......

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”

And so let me begin:

J'Accuse Dr. Mahathir Mohamad of indulging and engaging in demagoguery, of playing to the gallery and playing with fire to drive a wedge and divide Malaysians, pitting race against race, by promoting envy and jealousy.

J'Accuse Dr. Mahathir Mohamad of scaremongering tactics, of and posturing like Enoch Powell who once scurrilously tried to frighten Britain citizens about being swamped by coloured immigrants and of “rivers of blood”! All this to mislead our people into thinking the ruling party is ordained (by divine right) to govern in perpetuity and there are no alternatives regardless of its excesses!

Let us be very clear. The majority of Bumiputras voting for the Opposition does not constitute loss of political power or control for the Bumiputras. It may be fatal for the incumbent ruling party, but that is not equivalent to a fate worse than death for the Bumiputras. No sirree, not by a long, long way! You see, you need the "consent of the GOVERNED". If you don't have it, you should know where the door is! The Governed today are not the uninformed naive lot that might once have been quietly bled to death by increasingly subtle ponzi and cunning Bernie Madhoff and Goldman Sachs mafia-style rabid conscienceless capitalist schemes!

J'Accuse Dr.Mahathir Mohamad of hypocrisy in ranting about a future government that MIGHT open the floodgates of immigration and reduce the Bumiputras to minorities in their own native land. There is also something quite amiss, something not quite right when Dr.Mahathir is himself actually the son of either 1st or 2nd generation immigrants from Kerala in India. Dr.Mahathir was the presiding prime minister when identity cards were issued by civil servants to illegal immigrants in Sabah attempting to re-engineer the population mix there. It was he who opened the doors to foreign labour and maids and then offered amnesty to a million illegal immigrant workers. Today, it is conservatively estimated that there are about a million illegal immigrants each in peninsular Malaysia, and Sarawak and Sabah.

J'Accuse Dr. Mahathir Mohamad of doing this deliberately and not caring a jot as to the consequences of such actions. In a tinder-dry atmosphere of his creation, when embraced by immature minds and opportunist politicians, such irresponsible utterances, writings and actions can prove to be the flash point for conflagration as in 1969! The highly intelligent Dr.Mahathir is not aware of it? Only too well, I suspect!

J'Accuse our successive governments of allowing the separate arms of a democratic state to deteriorate and be compromised as to their honesty and integrity to the greatest detriment of its people. Corruption and economic looting have been permitted to flourish and their perpetrators, to enjoy the fruits of their ill-begotten gains and escape scot-free!

J'Accuse our government of selective prosecution and double standards. Thus, an opposition MP is prosecuted under sedition laws for merely making a factually correct statement that a Sultan can be sued by law. Reporters and opposition politicians are bafflingly arrested and sequestered under the Internal Security Act (ISA) "for their own safety" based on unfounded rumours about an insult to Islam traceable to a blog posting by a ruling party MP and ex- State Chief Minister. Pro-government newspapers blow the conch for unreserved retaliation without verifying an iota of fact! A cartoonist, because his drawings are seen as anti-Government, has his books confiscated and banned under the repressive 1984 Printing Presses and Publication Act (PPPA) promulgated by Dr.Mahathir.

On the other hand, a government MP is let off with a slap on the wrist for referring to some citizens as immigrants, most of whom are 2nd and 3rd generation citizens or older! As too occurred with the prime minister defending his political aide who was forced to apologise and resign amidst public furore and outrage over a racist speech rant that the mothers of Chinese immigrants came to Malaysia as prostitutes to sell their bodies, and Indians as beggars! Really, PM Najib, do you honestly believe the words that came out of your own mouth that your ex-aide had not referred to “local Chinese and Indians”? He was referring to foreign Chinese and Indians who never set foot on our shores? Really? Then, my grandfather was a Caucasian named Ghandhi Mao!

And insulting foreign Chinese and Indians is acceptable behaviour? It is not blatant racism deserving outright condemnation and possibly, prison sentence for the "orator"?


You cling to power, fame, the dismal dregs, trappings and illusion of money, property, wealth and a place in the history books.

I am not judging expecting perfection from you. The Lord alone knows my own weaknesses and pathetic failures.

I demand fair play. I demand justice prevails. That’s all.

And I say all this with great fear. I am no hero. I “know” no one. If they come after me in the wee hours of the morning because that’s what they have learnt from Stalin and Hitler and Idi Amin, Bokassa, Saddam and the Taliban about how to treat their fellow citizens, I shall go quietly and gently in their Black Maria and say nothing. I shall not give the enforcers any statements or the time of the day. I shall not give in to pain!

I have said what I meant to.

My inalienable right to say it is indisputable.

I have the weight of history in my favour and (I hope) God on my side!

we are all of 1 race, the Human Race,
we shall all unite around that indisputable truth!
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Courageous and Simply Brilliant.

    Thanks a million for articulating so eloquently what most right-thinking Anak Bangsa Malaysia feel in their hearts.

    Kudos to you Sir.

  2. well put, thankyou.
    if bumiputras's fingers are into every plum pie n still showing such dismal results, then its best they go into the caves n stay there because they are a lost cause. only Malays themselves can empower themselves to keep abreast with others sans the crutches.

  3. I believe the word bumiputra itself is derived from the Indian language. Hence TDM cleverly hijacked the real sons of the soil agenda and condemned the real Malays to clutches by offering sweet nothings, abetted by the BN co-horts.

    I second every accusation you have thrown at TDM and BN.


  4. About time....
    Well said, bro!!

  5. you speak for millions of malaysians who are less eloquent, my friend. this will go into the required reading for Malaysians when the rotten to the core UMNO/BN edifice is brought down

  6. Don't worry. That Nazri-rated racist will evaporate soon.

  7. Brother race stopped being a part of my life many years ago and thank GOD that here in Adelaide I am never burden by such needs. But you must remember that you live amongst those bastards - I do not!So take care.


  8. You are a mother fucker!

  9. Mahathir is living in fear. He is admitting he is one the the architect behind the racial violent in 1969. He transform himself into Malay after learning that being an immigrant indian muslim he cannot compete with other immigrant race during his study days in singapore.

    He need a platform, he reorganise the assorted muslim immigrants to be identify as malay. So now Malaysia is colonise by these immigrants and their decendent of pseudo malays.

    Those who suffer are the orang asli, the etnic natives, the real poor malay, the non-muslim peraknakan, the eurasian and other non-muslim.

    Today, he is still manipulating in fear that his lagacy being expose, as the man who destroy the harmony and prosperity of the masses.

    He need a last push like Mao Tse Tung during culural revelolution now using "loser"policticians in Perkasa to stroke vernom for racial unrest.

    Sadest thing in the horizon is to live in shame viewing at China, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore progress well ahead and with India becoming another economic progressive country.

    Mahathir and UMNO Baru failed in all aspect to eradicate the poor BUT have excellent marks in enriching themselves and their families.

    Mahathir - neraka menunggu kamu, sebelum itu, hidup lama sedikit supaya anda menerima hukum untuk kezaliman anda.

    CheDet - Mamak Kutty Tulin

  10. Anin 9.01

    If we never hear from you again, it will be too soon!


  11. That apa nama bugger has screwed the Malays in every which way to realize his goal of wealth and uncurtailed power. Yet the Malays do not understand that reality. The apa nama pseudo-Malay still keeps ranting his racial and religious drivel because he is so bankrupt of ideas. Just imagine this dickhead still wants the crooked bridge!

  12. Have never read anything more earnest or impassioned from you. The depth of your feelings comes through luminously - and they are feelings shared by at least 75% of the population (5% would be those, like Anon @ 9:01PM, who stand accused along with Mahathir and the remaining 20% have yet to emerge from a mechanistic semi-conscious existence). Bravo, my friend! Interesting that I just posted something similar in tone, inspired by Tim Burton's retelling of Alice in Wonderland.

  13. Thanks Antares.

    I really appreciate that coming as it does from a maestro!

    Yes, I read your latest piece, as I have all your postings. Am thinking how to respond.


  14. Welcome Cruzeiro. haven't seen you here for eons, but thanks for the support.

    And Hussein, welcome. Enjoy yr blog from Oz. Yes, you are beyond "the net", but we can't live in fear here, keep silent and then complain when it's too late!


  15. You are a great writer. Keep up the good work. May God bless you.


  16. "A big lie when repeated often enough eventually will be accepted as the truth has become fashionable political strategy"

    it says a lot on both side of the divide PR & BN

  17. from M2Day10/7/10 2:06 pm

    written by alacarte, July 10, 2010 11:51:19

    Most ordinary Malays are already second class citizens in this Bolih Land. The First class being the UMNO Malays whose leaders consist mainly of Mamak and Ex-Arabs and Ex-Turks, may be also Ex-Chinese etc..

  18. from M2day10/7/10 2:08 pm

    written by fireduck, July 10, 2010 00:56:29

    Ok, let's say all those claims are valid, that the NEP still have not met its objective, etc. Then I'd say bring Mahathir to book. We gave him 22 years and that is what he has to show? Obviously he did not perform then. That should have gotten him pecat-ed long time ago. So, after 22 freaking years, he not only screwed up all our esteemed institutions, he did zilch for the rakyat and the Malay community.

    ...... but he sure did a whole lot for the mamaks, the Filipinos, Indons and Bangladeshis, and of course all those UMNO cronies during those years. So, whose interests is he really fighting for? The ordinary Malays? Think again!

  19. from M2Day10/7/10 2:09 pm

    written by Atheist, July 10, 2010 00:04:47

    DSAI is the only hope for all Malaysians. Do the Malays, Muslims know what is right and wrong anymore?????

    Just look around us!!!!!

  20. from M2Day10/7/10 2:09 pm

    written by donplaypuks, July 09, 2010 20:45:27

    Thanks for the support bro.

    The PEOPLE must wrest back the power that is theirs by right from the thieves and pretenders!

    we are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  21. from M2Day10/7/10 2:10 pm

    written by malsia1206, July 09, 2010 20:26:07

    For 22+ years, Mahathir was held in high esteem during his times. Fast forward, he's now no better than the demon and ultra-racialist he makes out to be. Comparatively, Senior Minister Lee Kwan Yew across the Causeway was also looked upon the in same vein in his times. But fast forward, LKY is still highly esteemed in the eyes of the international community.

    Herein lies the difference between these 2 men. Make your own conclusion. In any case, it does not take a kindergarten kid to distinguish sweet apples with sour oranges.

  22. from M2Day10/7/10 2:11 pm

    written by Better My, July 09, 2010 20:12:12

    Said all the right thing that we feel strongly about..

    Your ending Hope and the bizarre pic - thats got to be the first for this type of pic posted.
    It is almost like an appeal to heavenly places for support. I guess the religious inclined people like to see that.

    Thank you for spending more time to put onto screen a longer article.

  23. from M2Day10/7/10 2:11 pm

    written by Angela Ooi, July 09, 2010 18:04:16

    Its either d UMNO has been downright incompetent as Malay leaders OR the Malays are hopeless, basket cases - despite over 40 yrs of being given every aid , are unable to rise from dumps and even worse, govt figures show them slipping further. So which is it??

  24. from M2Day10/7/10 2:12 pm

    written by Concerned_Citizen, July 09, 2010 17:56:10

    The purpose of apa nama NEP or NEM is to make sure that the Malays would not achieve success and equality rights and wealth as when that is achieved, UMNO-BN has no reasons to represent the Malays and also how to korek the country resources.

  25. from M2Day10/7/10 2:12 pm

    written by budak kampong, July 09, 2010 17:41:03

    Vote PR into power and the loots recovered could more than our GDP!!

  26. from M2Day10/7/10 2:13 pm

    written by Citizen Watch, July 09, 2010 17:33:58

    There were talks that our girls and women will one day be maids in Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, etc when we are left behind economically by these countries.

    But on a different aspect, it is already happening. Last week when I was in Singapore, the ST in a special article reported men from Malaysia are illegally working in Singapore where they waited daily at Woodlands to be engaged by agents to be taken to their employers.

  27. from M2Day10/7/10 2:14 pm

    written by hellosunshine, July 09, 2010 17:25:26

    By now all the people are already aware of that Mahatahi's not so hidden agenda. He is afraid, very afraid. He is afraid that once PR gains power, he, his family and his cronies will be the first to be investigated, prosecuted, his billions in cash and assets seized by the state and then thrown into jail to be sodomized with broomsticks.

    I pray that Allah grants him a long life and blessed with cancerous cells.

  28. Anon from M'sian Chronicles10/7/10 2:15 pm

    When TDM appointed PM, I thought He is our Hope. Today I just hated him for being the Father of Malaysian Disunity as he had bring Malaysia to the brink of bankruptcy and a failed Nation.

    There is no more hope in UMNO, we need the change. If it is PR so be it - UMNO and BN must die

    July 9, 2010 10:03 AM

  29. dpp from M'sian Chronicles10/7/10 2:16 pm

    Thanks for the support.

    The battle goes on!


  30. yessiryessir3bagsfull10/7/10 3:34 pm

    On this supposed program of economic salvation,
    - How many bumiputras remain without even ICs, and how many are illegal aliens?
    - What effort was made to eliminate conflict of interest by those making the awards, and how many were punished for this?
    - What was the critria for repeat assistance - that the beneficiaries had not proven incompetent or corrupt?
    - What were the measures to ensure the benefits would be translated into economic assets and skills instead of being sold immediately for short-term profit?
    - What was the mechanism for equity - repayment of public wealth - in return for the opportunities awarded.
    - What is the rationale for extending a stragegy that is claimed to have failed so spectacularly?

  31. from M2Day10/7/10 7:00 pm

    written by Kuda Belang, July 10, 2010 15:50:49

    Mahathir is a munafiq to the highest order.

  32. from M2Day10/7/10 7:02 pm

    written by justice seeker, July 10, 2010 14:49:08

    "Now we can clearly see in all its glorious nakedness the intentions of Dr.Mahathir, the new NGO, the ruling party and its MSM in the incessant demonization of DAP, PKR and its leaders."


  33. Dear dpp,

    Sorry to digress.

    But something abnormal is happening to drrafick blog(rights2write).

    A clampdown on blogs that the Gomen cannot tahan ?

    Was OK yesterday evening. Now Protected Blog...what the heck is that ?

    Appreciate if you tech savvie guys can check it out.

    Thanks, bro.

  34. Anon 10.22

    Have tried to register for Dr.Rafick Khan's blog at rights2writecom but not able to.

    I think his setting is wrong as it goes straight to registering for wordpress a/c.

    Will send him email to see what's cooking!


  35. anon 9.01pm , so sorry for your mom !

  36. from M'sian Chronicles11/7/10 12:31 pm


    If after half a century in politics, and 22 years in control, a person is still barking the same dog-whine, you can safely assume that he is no different than a nazi and hitler wannabe.

    July 11, 2010 1:38 AM

  37. from M'sian Chronicles11/7/10 12:32 pm


    Item 4. "The award of citizenships to immigrant populations in 1957 was an act of sabotage by the departing colonial British administration"...


    July 11, 2010 1:44 AM

  38. written by reeperbahn, July 11, 2010 00:32:11

    ...save the best champagne
    for the day mahashit conks out!

  39. Speechless! Making a comment will detract from what is so eloquently written. Thanks comrade brother.

  40. from M2Day13/7/10 8:21 pm

    written by Angela Ooi, July 12, 2010 22:33:33

    Another first for Malusiabolehbodohland...where the 'oppressed' MAJORITY do not thrive, despite all the power and resources centred in their hands. Many, j'accuse wily Mamakutty for the dismal figures bandied around..remember he had 22 long years to fail them!

  41. When brain and heart goes will b***s ...
    Same as it should be for all of us ...

    Emile doit etre fier de vous !

  42. Lately there has been articles floating in the net that our beloved Maha Firaun has 44 Billion, way ahead of Suharto, Marcos., facts coming from an undisputed source
    We have not seen any denial from Maha Firaun,
    Tell us Is it true?
    Maha Firaun salary was only 18,000 a monh, He can never make 1 Billion with the best of the bestest investment in stock Market and Currency Market.

    Follow the the gravy ttrail, you will find answers, waiting to jump up to present itself in full glory.

    But the Administrator do not follow the gravy trail, choosing to follow, by shouting "Oppressed Majority"

    our Crime buster force is ignorant?
    MACC sleeping?
    our Guni Petai got selective amnesia?

    Seems incompetent.
    Deserved to be PECAT immediately for
    1) pecah amanah and
    2) mingkir ikrar pada Agung

    but some royalty implicated also ... Alamak.
    The BN Administrators can grease & buy those royalty. Can it get more corrupt that that ...

    The smell is overwhelming and revolting, when the shit hit the fan
