

by nikon lensman, Donplaypuks® at http://donplaypuks.blogspot.com intrepid correspondent for trafficking all fine country affairs

In the Yes Minister BBC TV sitcom series of the late '70's and '80's, a novice minister is educated on very precise and useful techniques by the Chief Secretary to the Government, Sir Humphrey Appleby (was there ever a more wicked civil serpent?), on how to answer difficult questions posed by journalists or opposition politicians. One such technique was for the Minister to say, "No, that's not the real question. The real question is.." and then go off at a tangent. And then of course, there's always that life-saver of all serving Ministers - "As it may have national and possibly, even regional and global, security and/or economic/financial implications, I am afraid I cannot venture a clear answer at this juncture. An independent government inquiry...'

It is clear that many of our Prime Ministers and Ministers must be great fans of the Yes, Minister series, given too that London is their favourite holiday haunt, notwithstanding a sterling:ringgit exchange rate of about 5:1 with London being one of the most expensive cities in the world! Within the space of a week, three Ministers have deflected embarrassing questions by answering question that were not asked.

In the $40 million unexplained money for which a Malaysian Currency Mule was arrested in Hong Kong, Minister Nazi answered that it was not illegal for UMNO to receive donations from foreign parties. Incredibly, the PM weighed in with the claim that the question of smuggling did not arise. No one had asked them those questions.

The real question was, given the fact there was grave suspicion that this $40 million was suspected to have been accumulated from illegal kickbacks from Sabah timber concessionaires linked to UMNO Sabah, why hadn't the MACC found anyone worthy of being charged for corruption? If it was not tainted money, why was it hand-carried and smuggled into Hong Kong, instead of being transferred officially into Malaysia by bank telegraphic transfer from Switzerland, where sat another $52 million? Very stinky, you say?

Zahid Hamedi, Minister of Defence, then followed suit by claiming that Navy morale and national security were undermined by the Opposition taking potshots at the operational capabilities of its Scorpene submarines. But really, lately, no one asked him that question. What many have been asking is, how after 6 years, neither PM Najib nor Polis Diraja Malaysia has identified and prosecuted the person(s) who ordered the murder of Altantuya?

But, sometime back (two years or more ago), it was the Minister himself who subjected the Navy and national security to ridicule by formally announcing that, "the inability of the $3.8 billion Scorpene submarine to dive will not hamper the sub's operations!" He also waffled something about the brand new submarines not having previously been tested in the warm waters of the tropics!

Not to be outdone, Kong Cho Ha, Minister for Transport, announced today that "The Silent Majority Want the Automated Enforcement System (AES)." No one asked him what the silent majority thought or wanted; and after all, if the majority were silent, how would the Minister know what they thought or wanted? 

Okay, let's first get rid of this $700 million AES price tag to be borne entirely by the concessionaires. The CCTV cameras were quoted at $350 million, and presumably, the balance of $350 million will be for software, installation, commissioning, processing, administration, staffing and finance costs. The 1:1 ratio for hardware:non-hardware does seem way too high. Even if the government is not paying for it, there's the question of the AES concessionaires amortising $700 million of costs before arriving at the profit sharing sum between them and us. So, is it not in the government's interest to carry out an audit to ascertain these costs are genuine and not inflated? How difficult is it for a nation of Ali Baba's and rent seekers to artificially inflate costs by appointing intermediary "buying agents", as alleged against certain parties in the Scorpene submarine fiasco?

But then, why is the contract wrapped around the Official Secrets Act? Once again, UNCONSTITUTIONALLY, the details and terms and conditions of a public contract are being concealed from public scrutiny. Why? What happened to PM Najibs' 1 transparency and accountability? What is the government really hiding from us?

The other real questions are:

1. Why would any government privatise traffic offence collection which has been doing nicely for its coffers for 55 years?

2. Why would it contemplate privatisation when the potential gross income from a new AES approach could be as much as a stratospheric $50 billion a year to the Treasury, making it possible to abolish road tax and tolls and buy out all the crony blood-sucking toll highway and city road concessionaires within a few years?

3. Why would the government farm out this contract, when with the huge potential income from the AES traffic fines, it could easily finance the project by itself, or if necessary, via bank loans? After all the traffic division of PDRM has been handling this issue since like forever!

 So, the collective stench from all these irrelevant questions, diversions and answers is solid proof that it is not the PEOPLE, their interests or safety which the rogue government of PM Najib and BUMNO/BN is giving priority to. Their not-so-subtle machinations are transparently geared to lining the pockets of croneys so that they can secure a steady cashflow to fight the coming elections and thereafter, and keep themselves liquid for their London, New York, Paris, Washington, Munich, Switzerland, Argentina, Tokyo and Sydney jaunts!

Donplaypuks® with fraud, man! We can smell you a mile away!


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  2. Don't be a Katak di Bawah Tempurung lah !!!!!!22/10/12 5:15 pm

    Without the opposition checking BN Umno,,,even your balls will also be robbed off. what say you rakyat ?????????

  3. this is the only trick of oppositions. They want to divert the attention of people and hope will be vote them in PRU later. Actually, they more focus and having big hope from the fresh graduate which promise to write off the PTPN loan and provide free university education, and the latest, a policy that will see a reduction in passenger car prices

  4. Mott the Hopple22/10/12 8:28 pm


    " .......and hope will be vote.... "
    " Actually, they more focus......"

    Your comments sounded more like our local " penyanyi pop " giving interviews in English. Our local artists has the inclusion of the word " actually " in almost every sentence. Ask any question, the answer will almost certainly begins with " actually...."

    This is the product of our education system, you may not realize it, but you are the by-product of this system.

    Still, my question to you, will you pay for your son / daughter or your own education if it is free or will you pay the same price for a car that you are paying now if, or rather when the next government abolish excise duties?

    Your answer will determine the standard of education you have received as well as your level of intelligence.

  5. Just love your comment Mott the Hopple... Hehehehe

  6. Opposition banyak beri respond dalam kes ini, tidak berhenti-henti mereka buat berita -ve.

  7. Walau bagaimana pun, kepercayaan saya terhadap kerajaan tidak akan berubah.

  8. Kong Cho Ha Ha Ha23/10/12 10:50 am

    "The Silent Majority Want the Automated Enforcement System (AES)."

    I asked my ah kong, ah mah, my 5 Filipino maids, my three gardeners, my newspaperman, my driver, the rotiman, the old newspaperman and they were all silent. They are my silent majority. What is your beef?

  9. The real question is why must you come out with those questions, government will just answer the right questions.A

  10. PM already explain regarding the money in Parliament. Just the opposition spin the fact and make the statement wrong tunes for the public,

  11. najis dan sampah23/10/12 10:52 am

    Haiyah actually the question asked is not the right question. Actually the right question is actually why should Malaysian allow umno-bn to rule this country for actually 50 years when any man working that long must actually be dead and buried or crippled with internal death and stink to high heaven.

  12. senior citizen23/10/12 10:53 am

    Two party system is good for the rakyat.

  13. Clarice, what proof do you still need, bloody idiot. Get lost from this site!

  14. I can't wait to see what both parties are up to from here.

  15. Time will tell lah.

  16. Nevertheless, let the people decide for themselves.

  17. The people are likely to support BN.23/10/12 10:54 am

    The people are likely to support BN.

  18. The moment of the truth is near during the general election

  19. There are so many ways to win the heart of the few amongst others.

  20. Did they say free university education? Do anyone really believe that?

  21. I really wonder if the opposition are up to the task of what they promise the people.

  22. Let's see if they will be voted by the people.

  23. Diverting the people's interest away from BN.

  24. Well the election is around the corner and the opposition is simply trying to get the attention of the people.

  25. It seems like a trick from the opposition afterall.

  26. If this cannot be proved with substantial evidence, then it is merely a political plot.

  27. Don't you think we should be wise about what we are been told and before making conclusions?

  28. It is a matter of time before we will all know the people's choice.

  29. Chairman Mao23/10/12 10:59 am

    Always a joy to read you article, donplaypuks

  30. Terlalu banyak persoalan yang bermain di fikiran kita, namun kita harus bijak membuat penilaian sebelum menyimpulkan jawapan kita.

  31. Pembangkang memang hebat dalam bab menjatuhkan BN. hehe

  32. This is a retirement scheme for those who know that their hold on power is slipping from their grasp come GE13.

  33. Bn seems to have outsourced the cyber warfare to MCA, Gerakan & PPP flunkeys, considering the shitty job Umno cybertroopers have done. As usual, they take the money but do a sloppy job.

  34. Some points are fair. Some just outlandish. For example unconstitutionality of OSA. If its under OSA it cannot be unconstitutional. No one can pick out which provision in our constitution which is being impugned.

    The points on political contribution you got it partly right. To weed out corruption we need a change in our political financing rules. It should be transparent. Foreign contribution is wrong. So bn must account for this 40 million and so does Ali for the wedding. On the flip side Anwar count also account for the private jet and Suaram for foreign contribution leading to election of office bearers like Sivarasa.

    Right now we see issues being picked selectively like you do. Be driven by principles. Otherwise just admit you're blind partisan and don't take a moral highground.

  35. On AES, I personally don't like it. I'll probably get a few summonses for speeding. Whether its right is a different issue. The police has countless of times installed similar systems but still fail for whatever reasons. I am against enforcement of laws by private companies. But if it's just to make it efficient it's fine so long it benefits the public like toll roads, ipps etc. But The reward must be only just reasonable reward. To this bn should make it clear. Otherwise people will speculate ridiculous numbers. On this DPP has a fair point.

  36. 1. I did not say the OSA is unconstitutional, but that classifying the terms & conditions of public contracts is.

    2. I have no issues with NGO's and political parties receiving foreign funds as donations/gifts. But if the source of the money is suspected to be from illegal kickbacks, and there is a prima facie case money laundering is involved, then MACC must take swift action. There must not be even a hint of a cover up.

    3. Similarly, local private individuals/corporations are free to provide, politicians, services free, such as the loan of aircrafts to DSAI. I don't see a problem here. But if government facilities are used by politicians for party political activities under the guise of govt biz, that's clearly abuse of power.

    we are all of 1 Race, the Human Race

  37. It's semantics. If you agree OSA is not unconstitutional, then information classified therein cannot be unconstitutional. OSA provide for classification and if this is constitutional once classified it must be constitutional. Your argument does not follow.

    On political funding please note that many countries around the world make it illegal to receive foreign contribution. Please see US law on foreign agent registration act. Also in US under foreign corrupt practices act its illegal to contribute to change to a favorable Foreign government/laws. See also laws of Japan, Germany and even India. Many countries have similar laws. If you're serious on corruption making political contribution transparent is the number one step. Not being transparent is itself is a corrupt value and argument to justify that simply reflects one owns value.

    let's make everyone accountable. From Musa to Ali to Anwar to Suaram. What's wrong with this? Your allegation of 40mill as Illegal money is only pure allegation without Further proof. The best is we make all our politicians accountable and put the onus on them. Can't believe you're objecting transparent political funding while all the while proclaim against corruption. Pleaselah right or wrong does not depend on who you support. Similar act must have similar value.

  38. Now that many private companies practice racists employment policies wheres your hue and cry against racism? Isn't we one human race after all. Apalling silence. I'll wait a day or two for your write before commenting further.

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