by jumbo scorpenis, Donplaypuks®,
intrepid correspondent for elephant-in-the-room affairs
But before you could say "rush now to consume simply mouth watering and delicious meals in spotlessly clean and super hygienic converted toilet school canteen, rush to register your children in this school", BUMNO/SCUMNO Ministers and party stalwarts have with indecent haste latched on to Chahl's uninvestigated claims. They now claim (after having been silent for 6 long years) that SUARAM and the Opposition have been lying wholesale since 2006 about PM Najib and his wife being allegedly involved in some way in Altantuya's killing; that a "lie" repeated ad nauseum has become "perceived" as the absolute truth. Sob, sob, poor innocent PM Najib and his beloved wife, how dare you perfidiously unsporting Cynthis Gabriel and Anwar.
They have chosen to disregard both, the now equally famous and infamous, Staturory Declarations (SD) by RPK and PI Bala (deceased). RPK's "I was reliably told" SD, and PI Bala's even more detailed, stark and accusatorial SD, had implicated both Najib and Rosmah up to their eyeballs, whether by hear say or direct knowledge, and then been "clarified" or withdrawn, under very suspicious circumstances. There is lawyer Americk Sidhu's video highlighting PI Bala's SD and the murky circumstances under which he was "persuaded" by police to withdraw it. Sidhu has laso publicly claimed that another lawyer, Cecil Abraham, had drafted PI Bala's withdrawal SD under instructions from PM Najib. CLICK HERE and HERE. Then again there is Deepak's 'Black Rose' satire pointing the finger at a very familiar PM and his wife. CLICK HERE.
So, what is the truth? What are we to believe? I have written several articles about this subject since 2011. CLICK HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.
Let's suspend popular belief and disbelief. Ho hum.
Let us ask those very real elephant-in-the room, or if you can ignore that one, the pink-elephant-in-the room, questions that will not go away, and see if PM Najib will respond and provide us with logical and satisfactory answers and explanations:
1. If Altantuya was not involved in the scorpene submarine scandal, why did Razak Baginda confirm in his court statement that he had an affair with her and that she attempted to blackmail him for $500,000 for her share of work done on the scorpene submarine deal?
2. What then was the motive behind Altantuya's killing? Did two rogue cops wake up one fine morning and say and decide "let's go off that blackmailing bitch Altantuya whom we have never heard of or met and know nothing about" ????
3. There is a confession statement in the police files by Corporal Sirul Azahar, one of the two cops from the Unit Tindakan Khas (UTK or Special Action Force) convicted of killing Altantuya, that they went prepared to kill Altantuya armed with C4 explosives and guns. That is as premeditated as you can get. Who gave Sirul and Azilah Hadri (the other convicted murderer) the orders to carry out the murder?
4. And why was Altantuya shot first and then blown to smithereens with C4 explosives? It must as sure as hell have been to conceal the fact that either she was incriminatingly pregnant or raped or both. The orders to kill her must have been issued by some one really high up in the ruling political circles/government, police, Army or Navy and linked to the scorpene submarine case; high-up, as who else could have given such orders to the UTK.
5. And here is the $64,000 question on which hinges the resolution of PM Najib's blackened reputation, especially since he was the Defence Minister under whose watch the scorpene submarine scandal took place:
Since October 2006, when Altantuya was murdered in a forest in Kuala lumpur, why has none of PM Najib and/or the Attorney General NOT ordered successive Inspector Generals of Police to investigate and charge in court the person who ordered Chief Inspector Azilaj Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azahar to murder Altantuya? Especially since there is a signed graphic confession from Sirul Azahar to the effect that that was what occurred? Accessories to murder should be allowed to get away scot free? By what law?
6. Lastly, why have BUMNO/SCUMNO Ministers and party members shown absolutely no interest in getting to the bottom of Altantuya's murder - the motive and the kingpin issues?
If you really and truly wish to clear the stain and blot on your (and your wife's) name, that you are implicated in the murder of Altantuya, and want to gain the Rakyat's (citizens') respect and admiration, I hereby challenge you, Najib Tun Razak, our (possibly fraudulently) elected Prime Minister, to order the IGP today to do his job. It's either "My Way" or "The Highway" for the IGP or whoever succeeds him.
Failing which, the Rakyat shall be entitled to believe in the pink elephant which is so tantalisingly visible to us all!
What say you Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak? Have you the cojones to do what is right?
On a lighter note, what do you call a Sikh who only consumes lager? Jusbeer Singh! Ha, ha!
Donplaypuks® with murder, man!!
"On a lighter note, what do you call a Sikh who only consumes lager? Jusbeer Singh! Ha, ha!"
The latest revelations by the mysterious Jasbir Singh Chahl, esrtwhile scorpene submarine "negotiator" or restauranteur, or possibly both, that the gruesomely C4 murdered Altantuya (CLICK HERE) was not involved in the RM7.3 billion Scorpene Submarines Scandal, raises more questions than answers.
The latest revelations by the mysterious Jasbir Singh Chahl, esrtwhile scorpene submarine "negotiator" or restauranteur, or possibly both, that the gruesomely C4 murdered Altantuya (CLICK HERE) was not involved in the RM7.3 billion Scorpene Submarines Scandal, raises more questions than answers.
But before you could say "rush now to consume simply mouth watering and delicious meals in spotlessly clean and super hygienic converted toilet school canteen, rush to register your children in this school", BUMNO/SCUMNO Ministers and party stalwarts have with indecent haste latched on to Chahl's uninvestigated claims. They now claim (after having been silent for 6 long years) that SUARAM and the Opposition have been lying wholesale since 2006 about PM Najib and his wife being allegedly involved in some way in Altantuya's killing; that a "lie" repeated ad nauseum has become "perceived" as the absolute truth. Sob, sob, poor innocent PM Najib and his beloved wife, how dare you perfidiously unsporting Cynthis Gabriel and Anwar.
They have chosen to disregard both, the now equally famous and infamous, Staturory Declarations (SD) by RPK and PI Bala (deceased). RPK's "I was reliably told" SD, and PI Bala's even more detailed, stark and accusatorial SD, had implicated both Najib and Rosmah up to their eyeballs, whether by hear say or direct knowledge, and then been "clarified" or withdrawn, under very suspicious circumstances. There is lawyer Americk Sidhu's video highlighting PI Bala's SD and the murky circumstances under which he was "persuaded" by police to withdraw it. Sidhu has laso publicly claimed that another lawyer, Cecil Abraham, had drafted PI Bala's withdrawal SD under instructions from PM Najib. CLICK HERE and HERE. Then again there is Deepak's 'Black Rose' satire pointing the finger at a very familiar PM and his wife. CLICK HERE.
So, what is the truth? What are we to believe? I have written several articles about this subject since 2011. CLICK HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.
Let's suspend popular belief and disbelief. Ho hum.
Let us ask those very real elephant-in-the room, or if you can ignore that one, the pink-elephant-in-the room, questions that will not go away, and see if PM Najib will respond and provide us with logical and satisfactory answers and explanations:
1. If Altantuya was not involved in the scorpene submarine scandal, why did Razak Baginda confirm in his court statement that he had an affair with her and that she attempted to blackmail him for $500,000 for her share of work done on the scorpene submarine deal?
2. What then was the motive behind Altantuya's killing? Did two rogue cops wake up one fine morning and say and decide "let's go off that blackmailing bitch Altantuya whom we have never heard of or met and know nothing about" ????
3. There is a confession statement in the police files by Corporal Sirul Azahar, one of the two cops from the Unit Tindakan Khas (UTK or Special Action Force) convicted of killing Altantuya, that they went prepared to kill Altantuya armed with C4 explosives and guns. That is as premeditated as you can get. Who gave Sirul and Azilah Hadri (the other convicted murderer) the orders to carry out the murder?
4. And why was Altantuya shot first and then blown to smithereens with C4 explosives? It must as sure as hell have been to conceal the fact that either she was incriminatingly pregnant or raped or both. The orders to kill her must have been issued by some one really high up in the ruling political circles/government, police, Army or Navy and linked to the scorpene submarine case; high-up, as who else could have given such orders to the UTK.
5. And here is the $64,000 question on which hinges the resolution of PM Najib's blackened reputation, especially since he was the Defence Minister under whose watch the scorpene submarine scandal took place:
Since October 2006, when Altantuya was murdered in a forest in Kuala lumpur, why has none of PM Najib and/or the Attorney General NOT ordered successive Inspector Generals of Police to investigate and charge in court the person who ordered Chief Inspector Azilaj Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azahar to murder Altantuya? Especially since there is a signed graphic confession from Sirul Azahar to the effect that that was what occurred? Accessories to murder should be allowed to get away scot free? By what law?
6. Lastly, why have BUMNO/SCUMNO Ministers and party members shown absolutely no interest in getting to the bottom of Altantuya's murder - the motive and the kingpin issues?
If you really and truly wish to clear the stain and blot on your (and your wife's) name, that you are implicated in the murder of Altantuya, and want to gain the Rakyat's (citizens') respect and admiration, I hereby challenge you, Najib Tun Razak, our (possibly fraudulently) elected Prime Minister, to order the IGP today to do his job. It's either "My Way" or "The Highway" for the IGP or whoever succeeds him.
Failing which, the Rakyat shall be entitled to believe in the pink elephant which is so tantalisingly visible to us all!
What say you Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak? Have you the cojones to do what is right?
On a lighter note, what do you call a Sikh who only consumes lager? Jusbeer Singh! Ha, ha!
Donplaypuks® with murder, man!!