continued from 29.09.2015
A Theory of Murder
Common sense and simple logic tells us that a minimum
of eight persons must have been directly involved in the conspiracy to murder
- The Mastermind (possibly two).
- Baginda.
- Musa Safri.
- Azilah.
- Sirul (Azilah and Sirul would have sat in the back-seat of the car with Altantuya).
- A bomb expert with access to explosives and with experience in safe handling and detonation of C4 explosives.
- A driver for the car in which Altantuya was driven to Puncak Alam.
- A co-driver with map and torchlight to help the driver navigate in the unlit remote areas and turn-offs to the murder site in the forest. Azilah’s lawyer J.Kuldeep Kumar hinted at it when he cross-examined Chief Inspector Koh Fei Cheow about a man on a motor-bike leading the police party to the murder site. CI Koh denied it.
Keep in
mind also Deepak’s ‘The Black Rose 1.0’ where in satirical writing, he exposes
PM Najib (Bijan) and his wife Rosmah (Black Rose) as the main conspirators
behind Altantuya’s killing and the illegal and coerced retraction of PI Bala’s
1st SD. Deepak also claims he took instructions from, and liaised
with ‘Bijan’s Chief Secretary’. Deepak satirised that the main killer took
instructions from Col. Aziz Buyong ( ABCD, identified also by RPK) who in turn
received orders directly from PM Najib!
So, all the elements for a conspiracy are here for us
to take a good shot at solving the Altantuya murder, speculate.
20 Questions
The Attorney General and the IGP should be held responsible for the current state of affairs where Baginda was acquitted with no appeal from the AG, and one of the men convicted of Altantuya’s murder, Sirul, has been allowed to flee to Australia by their gross negligence and dereliction of duty. They and UMNO Ministers, especially the Home Minister and Minister for Law, who form the majority in the Cabinet, should also be made to answer the following questions:
1. Why have successive Prime Ministers, Home Ministers, Cabinets and IGP’s not ordered inquiries into who gave the orders to kill Altantuya since Azilah and Sirul had no motive to do so? Why has there not been a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to get to the bottom of this sordid murder? Surely, you are not waiting for PM Najib to call for the RCI, are you?
2. As neither Prime Minister Najib nor his wife Rosmah Mansor have sued Deepak for accusing them of being the masterminds behind the Altantuya murder and coercing PI Bala into withdrawing his SD1 and fleeing from the country, why have you not investigated them? Deepak also admitted that he had been illegally fronting for the same couple in various real estate and other deals to the tune of hundreds of millions of ringgit, if not billions. So, what are you waiting for?
3. As Sirul had inferred in court that he had only been following orders, why have you not investigated to find out the chain of command that led to Altantuya’s execution?
4. Have the police and MACC really carried out an investigation into the RM7.5 billion (US$2.3 billion or €1.5 billion) Scorpene submarines contract or gratuitous, sinecure and sham “co-ordination and support services” fee of RM575 million (US$180 million or €115 million) paid to Baginda’s companies.
5. As Azilah and Sirul had no known motive to kill Altantuya, who does? Who was the person named as having that motive, in ex-IGP Musa Hassan’s report to the AG? Why was it that only after the Federal Court decision that Sirul’s lawyer Kamarul, talked about his client having no motive to murder Altantuya? It occurred to him only then? Why did he not ask Sirul to testify under oath and prove his alibi?
6. Why did Judge Zaki acquit Baginda based on a bail affidavit, when he must have known that of the 3 accused, Baginda was the only one who had a clear cut motive for wanting Altanntuya dead quickly?
7. Why did Baginda engage two counter-terrorism UTK cops and not ordinary police to stop Altantuya from harassing him?
8. Why did Baginda continue to deal with Azilah despite his boasting to him that he had killed 6-10 people, if his intention really was that no harm should befall Altantuya? Why did he not ask Najib to recommend a police officer with a good service and respectable record?
9. Why has there been no proper investigation into the sale of OSA classified naval secrets by Baginda to DCNS for RM142 million, and charges of treason instituted against him?
10. Was Altantuya pregnant when she was murdered? Can the AG or IGP suggest any other reason why her body was blown up by C4 explosives? Why is Baginda coy about what Altantuya was really blackmailing him about, since her ploy of exposing their affair to his wife and family did not pan out?
11. Why was DSP Musa Safri, Najib’s aide and chief of security, not put on the stand to account for his presence outside Baginda’s house on the night of the murder and about his role in the Altantuya murder? Similarly, Najib’s aide and advisor, Nasir Safar.
12. Why were call log and sms records of exchanges between Musa Safri, and Najib, Baginda, Azilah and Sirul never investigated?
13. Are the alleged exchange of sms between Najib and Shafee genuine? If so, isn’t that a clear case of corruption, and intent to pervert the course of justice?
14. Were immigration records of Altantuya and her cousin friend’s entry into Malaysia erased? If so, who was the DG who gave the orders and who higher up in Putrajaya, ultimately instructed him?
15. What were the real reasons for removing Judge Segara and DPP Salehudin Saidin from the Altantuya trial?
16. Why was Sirul’s Suzuki Vitara moved from its parking spot to the UTK parade ground by CIO Tonny Lunggan BEFORE the CSI team could inspect it in situ at its original place?
17. Was Lance Corporal Rohaniza Roslan satisfactorily interrogated and investigated to prove her alibi that she was at a restaurant and after that at a karaoke with her friends at the time of the murder?
18. Why did Judge Zaki not convict Rohaniza and Yusri for perjury? Why should police personnel who lied on the stand in this most important of murder trials, be let off scot free? What kind of signal is Zaki sending out to crooked police?
19. If Azilah and Sirul did not confess to the police as to the location of the murder site, from whom did CIO Tonny Lunggan secure that information?
20. Who paid Sirul and Azilah’s legal fees? Given the length of the trial, each would have had to cough up at least a million ringgit. It is a dead certainty that neither of them had anywhere near that kind of money. Hasnal Resua Merican, Sirul’s solicitor is an UMNO youth leader, while his barrister, Kamarul Hisham Kamaruddin, who was recently awarded a datukship by the Federal government, was described in a press release as ‘of UMNO Headquarters’. Given that PM Najib is UMNO’s chairman, then the connection between these UMNO lawyers, UMNO and Najib must indeed be an insidious one!
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