

by chiang pei, Donplaypuks® intrepid correspondent for death wish by firing squad execution affairs

(Click on pic for enlarged view.)


Besieged stooge AG Pandi dug his own grave after white-washing the MACC's investigation into corruption charges against serially lying and defrauding PM Najib. 

The MACC had recommended prosecuting Najib with + or - 37 charges of fraud, misappropriation of public funds, CBT and abuse of power in relation to RM2.6 billion and another RM42 million that had "mysteriously" found its way into Najib's personal bank a/c. 

Najib and his sycophantic BUMNO Ministers and party liars had at first denied any such thing had occurred. "Which fool would do something like that?" they all bleated. Turned out it was their own fool. Then when the whole issue was exposed by the Wall St Journal and Sarawak Report, Najib replied that it was a "donation" and that he had not personally benefited from all that money, despite having used it to buy votes and rig the general election, to be elected PM.

The circus and clowns came out with more and more ridiculous lies. Like the $2.6 billion being a donation from the Saudi Royal family. Or that Najib did not give instructions for transferring or know that RM42 million and RM32 million had been transferred to his a/c??!!

And then, inexplicably, he spent most of that money on dubious payouts, including over RM3 million on diamonds and Birkin bags for his wife from moneys he claimed he had no knowledge of??!!

The world responded with obvious scorn, ridicule and derision. Najib and his fraudsters had succeeded in overnight becoming international celebrity pariahs!

Stooge AG Pandi was stung deep by global criticism of being an accessory to Najib's crimes. To follow the sublime with the ridiculous, stooge AG Pandi's predictable response was in keeping with the denial mode, lying and thieving that has become BUMNO Baru (new) culture. On 6th February 2016, stooge AG Pandi, in an interview with the Sinchew Daily newspaper, shed tears that the government's official secrets were being leaked out with impunity. The government's security apparatus had sprung more holes than Swiss cheese.

Like that would-be thug Beria (security chief, mass murderer, sexual predator and rapist) that stooge AG Pandi is to would-be Stalin, Najib, he said that the current punishment for whistleblowers, a fine and/or jail sentence, were insufficient deterrents. CLICK HERE for Lavrentiy Beria of Russia.

Stooge AG Pandi wanted to table a bill to include 10 strokes of the rotan and life imprisonment for whistleblowers. And here is the icing on the cake CLICK HERE:

"In some countries like China, leaking official secrets carries the death sentence!!"

Stooge AG Pandi of course forgot that whistleblowers are protected by an Act and that the OSA, Sedition Act and SOSMA cannot be used to hide a crime (or murders).

More than that, stooge AG Pandi forgot that if he and Najib were Chinese, by now they would have been, as the Chinese say, "chiang pei" - executed by a firing squad!

Such is the stupidity that reigns supreme in the Malaysian government of thieves and murderers!

Not to be outdone, a certain female MP of dubious sexual orientation in serially lying and defrauding PM Najib's office, supported this idiocy by claiming that official secrets were not leaked in other countries. No one knows which hole she has been hiding and digging in all these years, but obviously she is unaware of Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning. Stupidity breeds stupidity.

Here is what happened to Lavrentiy Beria (who was charged with treason, terrorism and counter-revolutionary activities) in 1953 after Stalin died:

"A tribunal was set up. When the death sentence was passed, Beria begged for mercy on his knees, and then collapsed on the floor, wailing and crying....Beria was taken to the basement of the KGB HQ at Lubyanka, and shot through the head by General Pavel Batitsky who had to stuff a rag in Beria's mouth to stop his bawling. Six of Beria's associates were executed on the same day by a firing squad."

Does stooge AG Pandi have a death wish? Is he asking for a bullet in the head for himself and his meal-ticket-for-life, serially lying and defrauding PM Najib, talking about apeing Chinese practices and standards?

Will our King and Rulers step in before the Military and Generals do?

Donplaypuks® with death wish, bullets in head and execution by firing squads, o' stooge AG Pandi and serially lying and defrauding PM Najib!


  1. U have dished all d dirt..yet d seasoned scum remain standing !

  2. Don't worry Angela, we will strike paydirt soon. The crooks can't hold out forever!
