

By Donplaypuks®, intrepid correspondent for Academy Awards

The ringing tone and straight face with which Chief Secretary to the Government Ali Hamsa defended his team of 1.6 million civil serpents, surely deserves some kind of award. CLICK HERE. This is the magnificent performance of sobbing Oscar winners. Another Tan Sri award from Pahang perhaps? Or Chairmanship of Khazanah and Genting Plc upon retirement?

But if corruption is not endemic and epidemic in the civil serpent service:

1. How could two top civil serpents in Sabah have been caught by the MACC with $114 million in cash and jewellery and luxury goods, just a few days ago?

2. Why were top officials at DBKL and a bank arrested for having unaccounted and declared wealth amounting to tens of millions of ringgit a month ago?

3. Why did Ali Hamsa willingly help serially lying, defrauding, plundering and looting PM & Finance Minister Najib in illegally breaking up the 5-Tan Sri Task Force investigating the massive $46 billion fraud at 1MDB? Not to mention $2.6 billion "Arab Royalty donation" misappropriated from 1MDB and $42 million stolen by Najib from SRC, of which $2 million was paid to Ahmad Mazlan, $1 million to Shahrir, $3 million for Najib's personal credit card expenses, $1 million for Najib and Rosmah's anti-ageing pills and cream, holiday and shopping expenses etc.?

4. Why did Ali Hamsa willingly help Najib Unconstitutionally and illegally sack ex-Attorney General Gani Patail on the false grounds that Patail was suffering from such a serious kidney problem that he could not discharge his duties properly?

It was Ali Hamsa who met a shocked Gani Patail on 27 July 2015 to inform him of his instant sacking and walk him out of his office in Putrajaya under police escort.

Why did he not follow the civil service SOP by invoking a board of inquiry where Patail would have had the opportunity to defend himself? And now Patail is still healthy enough to work in his own private law practice office???!!

5. How could Ali Hamsa, and especially MoF Chief Secretary Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah, claim they should not be sacked for the $46 billion fraud at 1MDB and SRC when both are 100% government and MoF owned subsidiary companies? What exactly were their priorities - worrying about the future of kucing kurap (small fry) kacang putih, nasi lemak, kayu and mamak stalls and restaurants?

6. What about the $30 billion MoF borrowed from EPF to fund so-called private finance initiative projects i.e. PPFI, another 100% MoF owned company. Why have Ali Hamsa and Serigar refused to make public the names of so-called Bumiputra contractors and the projects they completed? Why have they classified them under the Official Secrets Act? And why is the government funding private finance projects and the Bumiputra Contractors Association not know anything about them?

7. How come the $50 million smuggled in 2012 from Switzerland via Hong Kong by Sabah CM Musa Aman's runner Michael Chia was dismissed as "UMNO donation by overseas businessmen" by Najib and Musa, and the MACC folded up its investigation, no further questions asked?

The massive corruption arising from kickbacks to UMNO by timber concessionaires and exporters has been exposed by Sarawak Report, yet Ali Hamsa claims there was no corruption throughout Malaysia in the civil service? CLICK HERE. Did he not read Bruno Manser Funds MD Lukas Straumann's book 'Money Logging: On The Trail of The Asian Timber Mafia'? CLICK HERE. They do not know about former Sarawak's Taib and his multi-tens of billion wealth accumulated on the salary of a Chief Minister?

No prime minister can pocket billions of ringgit from 100% owned MoF companies without the chief secretary of the ministry or the chief secretary to the government knowing about it. All indications are that they also willingly participated in the highway robbery, profited from it and are helping Najib to cover up the disgusting illegal misdeeds. Movements of these massive sums of money in and out of the country could not have taken place without the central bank, Bank Negara (BNM), being aware of it. And BNM answers to the MOF and Finance Minister (Serigar and Najib).

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) questioned ex-BNM governor Zeti about why on three occasions between 2102-2015 she refused to entertain officers from Arab Malaysia Development Bank (AMDB)who went to see her about these billions of ringgit that were flowing in and out of PM Najib's personal bank accounts. She hid behind banking secrecy laws and "no comment"!!

The man who voiced his concerns to BNM, founder of AMDB Group, Hussain Najadi, was shot dead in broad daylight in KL in 2013. Who and how will those responsible for this heinous murder compensate Hussein's son Pascal Najadi for the permanent loss of a beloved father? CLICK HERE. Pascal has taken his fight for justice to the United Nations, as he sees no avenues for justice in a top-down completely corrupted police and judiciary set-up in Malaysia!!

For their role in assisting Najib in the earlier commission, and now, the continuing cover-up of the gigantic fraud at 1MDB, Ali Hamsa and Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah deserve a permanent cell next to Najib and Rosmah at the Bamboo River (Sungai Buloh) Prison. When highly educated men behave like Goering, Himmler, Heydrich, Hess and the Nazi Gestapo who made it possible for that monster Hitler to plunder and execute war and genocide, they deserve nothing less!


  1. If this how innocence looks like, then stupidity is not far...

  2. Sugar wouldn't melt in their mouths - the Mamak Gang!

  3. The biggest one is though..stupid
