

As emailed by me to a closed group last week, Nazri misled the Rakyat once again. I had also challenged Nazri's stupid statement via twitter and comments in Facebook and Mkini.

He claimed that Saudi Arabia King Salman's visit to Malaysia last week was proof there was nothing "shady" about Najib's blatant lie that he received a $2.6 billion donation from a "Saudi Royalty". CLICK HERE.

Here are the facts:

1. The $2.6 billion was transferred to Najib's personal bank account with AMMB in March 2013. CLICK HERE.

2. At that time, the ruler of Saudi Arabia was King Abdullah.

3. King Abdullah died on 23 January 2015. He was succeeded by his half-brother, now King Salman. CLICK HERE.

4. In July 2016, the the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative unit of the United States Department of Justice (USDoJ) had filed a civil action to recover more than US$1 billion from Najib's step son Riza Shahrin bin Abdul Aziz, crony Low Taek Jho (Jho Low) and certain officers of 1MDB. The USDoJ had charged that these parties and others had misused, laudered and illegally enriched themselves from the proceeds of US$7 billion raised by Goldman Sachs for 1MDB. 

1MDB, 100% owned by Malaysia's Ministry of Finance (MoF) was initiated in 2009 by Najib who is also the Finance Minister and was the Chief of its Advisory Baord with sole authority to approve its fund raising and investments.

As clearly identified in the USDoJ affidavit and investigation details, US$681 million (RM2.6 billion) was routed by Jho Low to Najib's personal AMMB bank account in March 2013. Refer Points 259-264 of the affidavit at CLICK HERE.

There, Najib is referred to as 'Malaysian Official 1 (MO1):

Point 28. Malaysian Official 1 is a high-ranking official in Malaysia government who also held a position of authority with 1MDB. 

Point 29. Riza Shahrin Bin Abdul Aziz, a Malaysian national, is a relative of Malaysian Official 1, and a friend of LOW.

There is therefore no doubt whatsoever that MO1 is Malaysian Prime Minister and Finance Minister Njaib Tun Razak!!! 

The USDoJ document and audit trail makes it very clear that the RM2.6 billion did not come from any Arab King or Royalty, but was wired from off-shore dummy corporations set up by Jhho Low.

So, as to Nazri's pathetic attempt to support his ATM Najib, it's obvious King Salman made no mention of the RM2.6 billion because no Arab, King, Royalty or otherwise, made any "donation" to Najib or anyone. In any event, it all happened before King Salman's time, so he would have no knowledge of a non-existent "donation". Money does not grow on trees, and no one is going to "donate" RM2.6 billion to Najib, when even Obama did not get donations anywhere near that amount for his Presidential campaigns.

A certain UMNO MP whose wife was recently appointed Auditor General, had claimed that the Arabs had donated it in recognition of Najib's stance against ISIS. The only problem was, the ignorant Najib had at first praised ISIS, and then quickly retracted his blunder. And, the RM2.6 billion had arrived at Najib's bank account BEFORE ISIS had been formed! One lie leads to another and another!

Oh, how the sycophants will lie to protect their jobs and gaji buta salries and perks! What a disgrace Najib and his government of thieves are to Malaysia, more so since they are mostly all Malay Muslims who wear their religion on their sleeves and say they will answer to only Allah!

And the final proof that Najib has been looting 1MDB of RM42 billion and lying through his eyeteeth?:

That empty threat designed to fool the uneducated natives in the boondocks has been issued for over a year now, with no action. Shameless crook!


  1. Can't believe that such a large amount of money has been stolen from the public funds and so little is being done to recover it. It only happens in Malaysia. It is do sad that the man on the street has no recourse except to pray.

  2. Nazri is Najis henchman and duty of henchman is to cover their boss frontside and backside. Don't expect henchmen to have IQ/EQ or BARBECUE because smart people will not be someone's henchman anyway. So you see any idiot can apply as HENCHMAN as long as you can take the stench from your boss underside. hehehehe
