On 20th July 2016 the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative unit of the US Department of Justice (US DoJ) filed a civil case against parties who had acquired certain assets in the US using money fraudulently diverted from funds raised by 1MDB (CLICK HERE):
The persons and affiliates stated in the indictment sheet are:
1. PM Najib Tun Razak, (Malaysia Official 1).
2. Riza Shahriz Bin Abdul Aziz or Riza Aziz, Rosmah's son and Najib's step-son.
3. Tan Sri Ismee Ismail, ex-1MDB Executive Director (1MDB Officer 1).
4. Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Halmi, ex-1MDB CEO (1MDB Officer 2).
5. Casey Tang/Jasmine Looi, ex-1MDB General Counsel and Executive Director (1MDB Officer 3).
6. Low Taek Jho (Jho Low), 37, 1MDB investment advisor.
7. Khadem Abdulla Al Qubaisi, a Jho Low Abu Dhabi associate.
8. Mohamed Ahmed Badawy Al-Husseiny, another Jho Low Abu Dhabi associate.
From the table below, it is clear that Najib, Rosmah, Riza Aziz, Jho Low and their associates stole approximately RM15 billion of 1MDB funds raised in the US through Goldman Sachs:
It is also clear that Najib and Jho Low planned this mega fraud and looting in 2009 with Rosmah and Riza. As explained in my earlier blog post, Riza schooled with Jho Low in London. CLICK HERE. It was Najib who handpicked Jho Low! This is referred to by the US DoJ:
Of the RM15 billion, we can account for RM8.99 billion from the US DoJ document, that Jho Low, Najib and the others pocketed and spent/invested and blew for their own benefit in the US:
1. Qubaisy - RM1.89 billion
2. Husseiny - RM270 million
3. Casey Tang/Jasmine Looi - RM20 million
4. Riza Aziz - RM952 million
5. Prince Turki/Obaid - RM18 million
6. Najib - RM2.94 billion (he has yet to explain what happened to US$620 million or RM2.48 billion transferred out to Tanore S'pore on 26 August 2013).
7. Jho Low & family RM2.88 billion:
(a) Artworks - RM940 million
(b) Properties - RM1.38 billion
(c) 22% shares in EMI - RM430 million
(d) Bombardier Jet - RM140 million
This still leaves RM 6.1 billion unaccounted for by Najib and Jho Low. He was also involved with Sarawak Chief Minister Taib and the huge sale of UMG bank shares and other deals in London. So, the money was spread out around the globe. CLICK HERE.
It is also obvious that Jho Low is Najib and Rosmah's nominee (front) for much of the "investments" held by him ultimately through his family trust company, Jynwel Capital incorporated in Hong Kong.
This still leaves RM 6.1 billion unaccounted for by Najib and Jho Low. He was also involved with Sarawak Chief Minister Taib and the huge sale of UMG bank shares and other deals in London. So, the money was spread out around the globe. CLICK HERE.
It is also obvious that Jho Low is Najib and Rosmah's nominee (front) for much of the "investments" held by him ultimately through his family trust company, Jynwel Capital incorporated in Hong Kong.
It also means that at least RM15 billion of assets shown as 'Investments Held for Sale' and 'Deposits with Aabar' etc. in 1MDB's 2014 balance sheet, are simply not there.
I say "at least" because 1MDB raised RM42 billion in loans and if there was blatant fraud from Jho Low's end in the USA, the chances are 100% certain that there was further fraud in Malaysia, committed by Najib and other executives in the company!
E.g. Najib, who is also the Finance Minister, Chief Secretary to MoF, Dr. Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah and Chief Secretary to the Government, Dr. Ali Hamsa, are hiding behind the OSA and refuse to make public exactly in what assets $4 billion borrowed by 1MDB (and later transferred to SRC) from KWAP was invested in!
Also, IPIC of Abu Dhabi is suing 1MDB for US$6.5 billion or RM26 billion owed it, which 1MDB claims it had remitted to dummy off-shore corporations set up by Jho Low, Qubaisy and Al-Husseiny!
Which is why everyone from Najib, CEO Arul, Deputy Ministers of Finance all lied that these investment were represented by (fake/non-existent) "Units".
Which is also why in 2016, auditors Deloitte resigned after announcing that their 1MDB audited accounts for 2013 and 2014 could not be relied upon. In short, the accounts stink to high heaven of massive fraud and cover up by Najib, Serigar, Ali Hamsa, Chairman and Board of Directors, CEO (s) and top executives, past and present, at 1MDB. Deloitte was unbelievably professionally negligent and should be taken to court by the government!
Yet, in recent days Finance Minister II Johari Abdul Ghani had the cheek to say that there has been no prosecution of anyone in Malaysia over the 1MDB fiasco because, we only have half the picture! Of course, if you only have half a brain, then you can only see half the picture. CLICK HERE.
Yet, in recent days Finance Minister II Johari Abdul Ghani had the cheek to say that there has been no prosecution of anyone in Malaysia over the 1MDB fiasco because, we only have half the picture! Of course, if you only have half a brain, then you can only see half the picture. CLICK HERE.
Endless thievery by Najib and his thieves
ReplyDeleteStop draining the wealth!
ReplyDeleteN calls this false fake news. Do u agree?
ReplyDeleteThere is no God...
ReplyDeleteThe biggest corruption in the world is about to erupt (on to the government, UMNO and kleptocratic individuals) like a 'Tsunami', even bigger and disastrous in history. There is no where to run neither nor no where to hide. It is now unstoppable.
ReplyDeleteDracula and werewolves in charge of the blood bank? Hahaha, hopefully the coming GE14 people are not hypnotized to reappoint Dracula and werewolves to run the Blood banks again. Hehehehe
ReplyDeleteHowc come the malay executives were mot equally rewarded? Racism?
ReplyDelete"1Mdb Officer 1" is Casey Tang Keng Chee - not Ismee Ismail.
ReplyDeleteMohamed Ahmed Badawy Al-Husseiny is a US national - not a UAE national.
FBI says Eric Tan Kim Loong is a Malaysian national. He and Low Taek Jho used
Tanore Finance, Blackstone Real Estate Asia and ADKMIC to launder money stolen from 1MDB.
Tarek Obaid (Petro Saudi) has received more than RM18 m. He has received a lot more as "commission". His commission came from the people of Malaysia. he have taken money that does not belong to him as commission.
Patrick Mahony (UK national) (Petro Saudi - Chief Investment officer) has also taken money from Good Star. Good Star stole USD1.03 bil from 1MDB. Good Star is owned and controlled by Low Taek Jho (Malaysian).
Qubaisy (UAE national) has been charged by the UAE authorities. A substantial amount of his assets and bank accounts have been frozen.
IPIC has sued the Malaysian govt (1MDB) for money missing from deals / jvs with them. The missing money has in fact be stolen by Low Taek Jho, Qubaisy and Mohamed Ahmed Badawy Al-Husseiny thru wire frauds (bank transfer fraud).
of the 3, Low Taek Jho has yet to be charged for any crimes bcos the Malaysian govt has closed all their investigations of 1MDB and OSA its audit report. The Malaysian govt has also refused to co-operate with other countries agencies investigating the theft of billions from 1Mdb.
The evidence collected by the FBI is very detail and sound.
Low Taek Jho and the 1Mdb directors have committed treason against the country by working with foreigners to steal money from Malaysia's treasury. They seem to have gotten away with their crimes against the Malaysian people
This is seriously shocking !! Absolute power corrupts !! The PM can no longer hide behind a wall of silence. Najib is trying hard to cover up all his crime, hope that he and his family including that Fat Sob get arrested...the country is in decline right now. And the worst is those cabinet ministers that try to cover up for him, corruption & abuse of powers grew worst and brazen in Malaysia. Shame for what they have done to the nation...They should be sacked.
ReplyDeleteShamelessly corrupt, yet they get away with it in Malaysia, why? A failure of Malaysia's institution and political system? A clean set of institution left by the colonial power has been subverted by Umno, now the people are defenceless against the draculas and vampires.
ReplyDeleteThis is truly outrageous, blatant day light robbery of rakyat's monies. Praying hard to see all of them not only burn in hell but in this world as well.
ReplyDeleteIt's obvious the fund was siphoned from M'sia out to purchase assets in USA where the US authorities have rights to confiscate illegally acquired properties. If the draculas are convicted, those properties could be returned to Msian tax payers or repossessed by US Treasury. No other country would want to interfere into the internal affairs of another friendly country under treaties UNTIL the culprits are officially unseated Interpol action may only happen outside Msia. The IMDB Scandal will be the world's largest financial disorder in the Guinness Book of Record and it will be a sensation that will boost inbound tourism to Msia with 0 cost.
ReplyDeleteFat hopes, US & Spore will find excuses to keep 1MDB loot, they'll say the loot is in their soil so after deducting all the expenses only a minimal sum is returned. So whatever way it is Rakyat is still screwed, cos the Govt r not making any demands to return the money to the rightful owners. Doing so will implicate MO1.
ReplyDeleteAre they living in Mars where there is no law in corruption???
ReplyDeleteJho Low has the last laugh?
ReplyDeleteIt is truly amazing that while the US Justice Department already confirmed Malaysia's biggest thief M01 stole so much money from the govt coffers, yet the Attorney General over here can still deny any money was ever stolen while the Police Chief strangely never even heard about the suspicion of such theft.
ReplyDeleteRemember it is an indisputable duty of these top officials to protect Malaysian public against such crimes from happening and to bring to justice such criminals if such crimes are ever committed. Why are they so bloody stupid until they don't even know such crimes have been committed ?
If the AG & IGP does not want to do their part to protect the Malaysian public, why are they still drawing their salaries paid by Malaysian public money ? Just wonder how they are going to ever explain to their own children/grandchildren, all these while they are simply just protecting the criminals at large especially that biggest thief M01 aka Najis ? Is that not a crime by themselves ?
ReplyDeleteAll the law enforcement agencies of govt have been bought off including the Ag and the IGP, and UMNO/BN MInisters and MPs. Our only hope are the investigations in the USA, S'pore and Switzerland and that the citizens will vote out this govt of thieves, looters, plunderers and traitors!
ReplyDeleteI think my IDs for MDB10-3 are correct. Also, many others were paid off by Jho Low, Husseiny etc. but these are not stated in the US DoJ document. Patrick Mahoney, Tariq Obaid etc. therefore did receive a lot more.
IPIC is suing 1MDB for US$6.5= @4 = RM26 billion as stated in my blog post. The money was diverted by JL with help from Qubaisy/Husseiny and The matter went to arbitration in London. Rumour is 1MDB lost the case and Najib is busy trying to cover it up.
Nampak tak? tipu dan curi duit rakyats ah......malayu tipu malayu ah.
ReplyDeleteWe hope Najib will sue DOJ and clear his name!
ReplyDeleteseriously wondering now...how could such evil be allowed to prevail?
ReplyDeleteVerified? Looks fishy - if this was a US accounting statement they wouldn't have bothered to add a Ringgit column.
ReplyDeleteDpp added the ringgit column for our benefit. He was a trained accountant!
ReplyDeleteGan Tian Eng
ReplyDeleteEvery single figure is in US$ and extracted after detailed scrutiny and study of the US DoJ document. There is no table of figures included there. I have added in the RM figures for the benefit of Malaysians. The source doc is stated as a footnote in the excel schedule. The link to the original US DoJ doc is also given in the blog post as are the clause nos., so anyone who wants to verify each and every figure can do so. There is no tampering of anything. You will not find this detailed analysis anywhere, not even in Tony Pua's blog! Trust this is clear.
Kelly Ng
ReplyDeleteMost of the money raised by Goldman Sachs for 1MDB never made it directly to Malaysia. It was siphoned mainly to Switzerland. Middle East, Singapore, HK etc. Finance Minister Najib never informed Bank Negara about it, but was caught with his pants down when the RM2.6 billion (US$681 million) in his own bank a/c was exposed by WSJ & Sarawak Report.
A lot of the money that went back to the US was illegally invested as shown in the schedule.
Look like our ringgit is melting down mostly due to poor management of resources and corruption, the cost of imported goods is turning more expensive and spiraling, resulting in poor buying power Due to the weakening of the ringgit and the huge debts the country are borrowing. We are now in a stead of near bankruptcy, depending on borrow money to survives as our PM dept, idris jala once informed. Our country now needs desperate solution to move on, where can we go?
ReplyDeleteWhat man you! What about the old corruption cases like the BBMB losing all its capital (then fondly called Bank Bagi Malaysia Bankrup), BBMB auditor found floating face down in Hong Kong harbour after being sent to check on the goings on at BBMB Finance off shoot - all under Mahathir? Or even Malayan Banking, Finance Co-Ops run by Chinese (esp MCA guys) going belly-up? What about MIC promoted UAB & that 'M' company to get Indians into the corporate world also going belly up?
ReplyDeleteHow many went to jail? Not one, Nada, Elley. Satu pun tidak. So donot just blame Jibby, ok. Others having committing grand theft in Malaysia before Jibby or Rosmah were born.
Anon 9.14
ReplyDeleteAre you saying 2 wrongs make a right? And no one has ever accused Mahathir of complicity over the Bank Bumi scandal. In fact, there was a report on it by the then Auditor General. Unlike Najib, no one ha accused Mahathir of any murder have they?