by e.s. shankar
Dear Ministers of #NotMYGovt, #NotMyPM @Muhyiddin
@AzminAli @tzafrul_aziz @Mustapa_Mohamed @AnnuarMusa:
Adakah ini merupakan 17% GDP Malaysia berdasarkan anggaran RM1.47 Trillion bagi 2019 yang tidak tercapai? Dan yang tidak akan dicapai pada 2020 kerana harga minyak terjunam ke US$20-30 ppb, kejatuhan harga minyak sawit dan Covid-19?
Selebihnya, pada hari ini, Bank Dunia telah megurangkan sasaran GDP Malaysia bagi 2020 ke negatif 0.1%, bermakna kemungkinan recessi. Tekan di sini -…/world-bank-lowers-malaysia…
Rakyat mesti diberitahu apa yang benar dan bukan yang diputar belit!
Dear Ministers
Does this represent 17% of Malaysia's GDP based on 2019 estimate of RM1.47 Trillion, which was not achieved? And which will likely not be achieved in 2020 due to oil price crashing to US$20-30 ppb, drop in palm oil price and Covid-19?
What more, the World Bank today lowered Malaysia's 2020 GDP target to NEGATIVE 0.1%, meaning recession is on the horizon! Click here -…/world-bank-lowers-malaysia…
The citizens must be told the truth and not be confused with loads of spindoctoring!
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