

by e.s. shankar

What are the most important things that have emerged about the character of Najib Tun Razak - ex-Prime Minister, Finance Minister and 1MDB founder and Chief Advisor/Sole Authority - vis-a-vis his 28th July 2020 conviction on all 7 charges in the SRC RM42 million Corruption (abuse of power), Criminal Breach of Trust (CBT) and Money-laundering (MLA) case?

Imho, they are:

1. He is still in a state of denial despite the fact that he was told subsequently that the money was transferred from SRC to his personal bank a/c.

2. He has not expressed any remorse about spending the RM42 million, much of it for political gain and also personal and family expenses.

3. He has not once mentioned making repayment of a single cent of the RM42 million. That money has disappeared forever. Why should the Rakyat be stuck with the bill?

RM42 million is not peanuts by any standard, anywhere. So, the 12-year concurrent sentence and RM210 million fine seems very appropriate. He's lucky he's not already serving time at Bamboo River Resort!

There is also the larger issue of the missing RM2 BILLION so-called Saudi Royal donation (rubbished by the judge) which he claimed he returned to the donor. But the United States Department of Justice (USDoJ) states in its 2016 & 2017 Statutory Declarations that it was returned to an offshore bank a/c controlled by Jho Low!!!

How did this man ever become our Prime Minister?

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