

by e.s. shankar

In late February this year, Mahathir, without consulting Pakatan Harapan (PH) party leaders, shockingly tendered his resignation as PM to the King who then asked Mahathir to form a Unity Govt. He refused. Mahathir had lied and lied and lied on his election promise to hand over power to Anwar Ibrahim. While Mahathir was napping, Muhyiddin, Azmin Ali and Hamzah Zainudin from PH managed to convince the King that they had the numbers. Muhyiddin was sworn in as PM and together with support from UMNO, PAS and GPS (Sarawak), formed an unelected govt under Perikatan Nasional (PN). Mahathir, who had plotted with key PN founders to particularly remove DAP from govt to form an exclusive Malay-Muslim Party (Muafakat), was unceremoniously dumped by his co-conspirators!
So, Mahathir was driven by a pathological hatred of Anwar and a bigoted, racist agenda against DAP. Muhyiddin, Azmin and Hamzah were also driven by a Malay-Islamic agenda and out the window went any pretext of a multi-racial inclusive Malaysia. Since then, PN, packed with incompetent Ministers, has lurched from one crisis to another. Many suspected that they no longer had 113 seats to form a govt.
In late September, Anwar staked his claim to form a new govt, announcing that he had between 120-129 MP’s in his camp, including (secret) support from UMNO. However, UMNO soon backtracked on this and announced continued co-operation with PN. It appears that Anwar’s gambit has failed. But many in UMNO were unhappy that Muhyiddin’s minority party, Bersatu (PPBM), had seized key Cabinet posts and lucrative well-paying sinecure jobs in GLC’s, grossly out of proportion to the number of Parliamentary seats it had.
Then, last Friday, PM Muhyiddin announced that PN would be seeking to impose a national EMERGENCY, purportedly to help battle Covid19 more effectively. The majority of the PEOPLE saw this as a clear sign that PN was attempting to impose undemocratic authoritarian dictatorship rule as it feared losing a vote of no confidence or the defeat of its 2021 Budget in Parliament (from 2-6 November). This attempted October Putsch (kind of coup) was nipped in the bud as the Agong (King) and the Rulers firmly rejected it on Sunday.
In any civilized country where principles, ethics, morals, honour, integrity, dignity and self-respect matter, the Prime Minister and his Cabinet would have tendered their resignation Sunday night. In Japan or Korea, they would have committed mass seppuku (hara kiri) or suicide.
In Malaysia, they and many brainless idiots and bleeding heart liberals are now talking about a pact between these would-be dictators for a ‘Confidence and Supply Agreement’ with the Opposition, so that the 2021 Budget can be passed. This is a red herring. Their real intention is to keep the failed would-be dictators in power until 2023. Their aim is to slowly enslave us, suspend Parliament and rob us permanently of our Constitutional right to vote and choose our own govt.
Firstly, all money for govt expenditure, including payment of civil service salaries and pensions up to 31 December 2020, was approved in 2019. Secondly, an additional RM11.97 BILLION was approved by Parliament in August this year.
Thirdly, highly emotional arguments are being used to scare the people into supporting the dictators. Fears are being spread that Covid19 will kill all our children and wipe us out if the Budget is not passed. But, between 2010-2017 Najib spent RM97 billion in excess of the annual approved Budget. These were approved by Parliament in succeeding years.
So, neither the civil service, govt nor the fight against Covid19 will be paralysed if the 2021 Budget fails to get Parliamentary approval. There are clearly ways and means of providing for ALL additional emergency funding to battle Covid19 EVEN IF THE 2021 BUDGET IS NOT PASSED! Also, as Muhyiddin showed in March, it only takes a few days for a new govt to be formed and get running effectively.
Ultimately, we must get rid of an unelected govt corrupted absolutely by lust for power, as soon as any opportunity presents itself. We must NEVER accommodate or break bread and wine and dine and party with the DEVIL. We must strike while the iron is hot. That moment is NOW and the event is Budget 2021.
Only fools and those with evil and suspect agenda will support a regime that is Ketuanist, excludes more than 50% of the population from representation in govt and GLC's and hides behind Covid19 to take us back to the Dark Ages!
So, all those who agree must immediately petition their MPs and Aduns on their social media platforms - Facebook, Youtube, Messenger WeChat, Tik Tok, Whatsapp, Instagram, Telegram, Snap Chat etc - and say:

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