by e.s.shankar
The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore! Rumi. 1207-1273.
The Ramayana is one of the most sacred books of Indian and Hindu culture. It also features very prominently in the cultures of Malaysia (e.g. the Wayang Kulit), Indonesia (especially Bali), Thailand, Burma, Cambodia. Laos and Vietnam. The story of ‘Sugriva’s Atlas’ in the Ramayana, was revealed earlier this years by engineer, MBA and archeoastronomer Nilesh Nilkanth Oak. The Ramayana is an ancient epic story of the Lord Vishnu Avatar, King Sri Rama, whose rule is described as a golden age of India and Rama himself recognized as the greatest, most virtuous and perfect king in Indian history. Refer: The Ramayana. Sugriva is a king of one of the larger tribes of the Vanaras who lived in the forests and mountains.
The Ramayana is an Indian classical epic poem originally written down about 500 BCE in Sanskrit by the Brahmin philosopher, sage and poet, Valmiki. It comprises 24,000 verses and 480,000 words. Refer: Valmiki.
While western historians maintain that the Ramayana is a 500 BCE epic, many Indians dispute this, particularly since most ancient civilizations, including the Greeks, had oral traditions that went back thousands of years. The situation is complicated by the fact that many Indian documents are undated and do not refer to dates in their narratives either. Nilesh Nilkanth Oak has, however, used (as he has done with that other Indian epic, the Mahabharatha) astronomical references in the Ramayana to date the era of its events to 12209 BCE i.e. 14 thousand years ago.
The Ramayana is the story
of Rama’s life and defeat of his nemesis, the 10-headed (read as a highly
egotistical genius who had mastered the ‘Aya Kalaigal’, 64-subject Arts ranging
from literacy, maths, science, astronomy to music, archery, war etc.) Ravana
who kidnaps his beautiful and virtuous wife and imprisons her in his monstrous palace
in the island of Lanka, reckoned to be none other than the Sri Lanka (old name
Ceylon) of today, located right across the Palk Straits at the southern tip of
Sri Rama consults his allies, one of whom is King Sugriva, to search for Ravana’s location. Sugriva had the reputation of knowing more about the geography of the world than anyone else at that time and had described the world as a ‘mandala’ or sphere, i.e. round. Western civilization and the Catholic Church which championed a Flat Earth Theory for nearly 2000 years, would only accept the concept of a spherical Earth when Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543 CE) wrote his treatise on it in the 16th century!
Sugriva's Atlas. Part 1. Nilesh Oak.
Sugriva's Atlas. Part 2. Nilesh Oak.
Sugriva suggests that Rama
consider sending armed search parties from India:
East through Thailand, Indonesia and as far as the cliffs of Peru and the
Andes Mountain (Udaya Parvatham).
West as far as the Swiss Alps (Astagiri).
Northward as far as Siberia and the Arctic (land at the end of liquid water or without
Sun and warns them not to proceed beyond a point called Uttharapuru).
4. South as far as Antarctica (the completely dark land at the end of the earth, Pitru, capital of the land of Yama, the god of Death and a very inhospitable place to be avoided at all cost).
Much of Europe and North America were not visible because they were covered in ice. But perhaps the most startling information revealed by Sugriva was the existence of the Paracas Candelabra or Candelabra of the Andes which is visible even today from about 12 miles out from the Pacific Ocean as one approaches the coast of Peru! It is a feature engraved on the cliff and is about 181 meters (595 feet) tall, 0.61 meters (2 feet) deep, described by Sugriva as:
“ a Thirusoolam (trident), a three-headed golden flag with a rectangular base (vedi) shining on the top of the mountain.” See video 1 above, clock 26.58 – 32.05. Refer: Paracas Candelabra.
The Spanish who invaded and conquered Peru in the 16th century CE had no clue as to the origin or purpose of the Candelabra nor did the locals. However, Sugriva says that it was carved there by Lord Indra to mark the eastern most point of one of their expeditions. How could he have known anything about it by even the western accepted date of 500 CE, a good two thousand years before the Spaniards? Or the existence of the Alps, Arctic, Antarctica and the ice sheets?
Valmiki also explains the nature of the people who made up the Vanaras groups and who were represented in the Ramayana as monkeys and bears. They were human beings who lived in and off the forest by choice and over time, donned the mask and tail of monkeys and fur of bear skin as cultural distinctions. The Vanaras included distinguished rishis, siddhas and others who practiced ascetism but had children who regarded the forests as their natural homes.
They were physically bigger and more powerful than the city dwellers as well as highly intelligent. They included the Rakshashas depicted as ugly, fierce, warring and cannibalistic and blood-drinking demons, but were actually shamans/wizards who had acquired the powers of sorcery such as shape shifting, invisibility etc. Ravana, the protagonist of the Ramayana, was the child of a powerful rishi and a Rakshashi. The Vanaras were spread out in the forests and mountains of not just India, but the world. But, in later retellings of the Ramayana, the Vanaras' origins were glossed over and emerged in popular culture as monkeys. Thus Hanuman the Monkey God, Vali, Sugriva and other monkey kings and characters mentioned in the Ramayana, were not really moneys.
When Sri Rama asked Sugriva how he knew so much about the geography of the world, his reply was that he had personally been to all these places!!! The Ramayana clearly mentions a silent ‘Pushpaka Vimana’ flying chariot which Ravana pilots to kidnap Sita and spirit her away to Lanka. Did Sugriva posses a flying machine to traverse the globe and record all the mountain peaks that he mentions?
Nilesh Nilkanth Oak is no sensational seeker out to mint his millions by riding the UFO and conspiracy theory wave. He is a serious and highly educated engineer who is looking at other ways of proving that the Indian civilization was far more ancient and knowledgeable than is generally given credit for, especially by western scholars. He does not engage in wild conjecture. He uses the highly respected fields of astronomy, archaeology, anthropology, hydrology, oceanography, and other scientific studies to make educated guesses, if not conclusive ones in some instances. There is more than meets the eye with Sugriva's Atlas, for sure!
Mr.E.S.Shankar, Your overview of the ancient discoveries compared with today's technology is mind boggling. Good research subject for anyone.
ReplyDeleteI am puzzled how King Sugriva was able to deduce the earth was a sphere 14,000 years ago. The flying machine was probably a reality and also shared by Nilesh.
Your article was a good read with many references to explore with deep understanding.
Your reference to the continued research by Nilesh Nilkanth was amazing. I had a quick view and will find some time to go thru Nilesh's research.
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ReplyDeleteGreat postt
ReplyDeleteI find it fascinating how Sugriva's knowledge about geography predates widely accepted concepts in Western civilization.