by bart oink simpson, donplaypuks® intrepid correspondent for pandi duh affairs
Donplaypuks® with the big loser mentality, duh!
Poor, poor AG Pandi. He laments that after 104 days, the Bar Council has not congratulated him on his appointment as the new Attorney General by Prime Minister Najib. He is puzzled that the Bar Council had not broken out in spontaneous celebratory cartwheels and break-dancing. Or organized a massive official feast to celebrate his ascendancy as the principal legal adviser to the government and the highest ranking public prosecutor in the land. Sob! Sob!
CLICK HERE for AG Apandi's moan that he's been snubbed by his peers.
Of course, this is just a prolongation of the silly season of nonsensical statements with Najib claiming the $2.6 billion was a "donation", Ministers Mazlan, Hanazlah etc. claiming US$1.83 billion was remitted in "units" and 1GDB CEO Arul Kaunda Kundi breaking wind that IGDB over-inflated its $18 billion purchase of IPPs from BUMNOSCUMNO cronies so that electricity tariffs could be reduced!!??
Of course we should have expected no other reaction from yet another Najib plucked-from-obscurity BUMNO/SCUMNO nonentity who has been thrust into high office. Thrust to continue Prime Minister Najib's work-in-progress efforts to totally cover-up the massive $46 billion fraud and looting by Najib at 1GDB (1Grossmajib Development Board), as well as $2.6 billion CBT, money-laundering and GE13 vote buying and rigging funds that had been transferred from abroad into Najib's personal bank account in Malaysia.
Pandi hit the ground running, while simultaneously cupping and stroking Najib's goolies and scrotal sacs in his tender, warm palms and inserting his serpentine tongue into the nether parts of Najib where the sun don't shine and tickling them. The new AG at once decided that the law did not matter and:
1. Immediately engineered the Unconstitutional sacking of Gani Patail as AG. He lied to the nation that Gani was medically unfit to carry out his job satisfactorily.
2. Lied to the nation that a Task Farce investigation - by BNM, MACC, Parliament and the police - into the 1GDB and $2.6 billion fraud had not finalised a charge sheet to arrest Najib. Cleverly (or so he thought), he asserted that no charge sheet had made its way to his desk!
3. With Najib's backing, ordered, on the flimsiest of excuses and pretexts, the IGP to arrest BNM and MACC officers involved in the Task Farce investigations. Some MACC investigators were transferred to leg-shaking jobs. Two senior Special Branch officers were cashiered.
4. Pretended that sedition charges could not be pressed against Ali Tinju for inciting Malays to attack the Chinese and DAP members, because the IGP could not secure a recording of that speech. Within 24 hours of Pandi's cop-out, a dozen DAP members managed to locate recordings of Ali's "elusive" speech!!
What is it with these BUMNO/SCUMNO sycophants and balls carriers? Having no shame or moral compass, and assisting that serially lying Najib and his government of looting and plundering thieves is one thing. But making these stupid and rhetorical statements, especially when sitting in high office, is another matter all together. It shows an utter lack of grey matter.
It is the result of the systemic and total breakdown of our education system over the last 30 years. What else can it be?
Donplaypuks® with the big loser mentality, duh!
I don't know how he will answer to Allah swt. He is already old and at his age he should make amends with Allah and not pursue meaningless and destructive worldly gains. Oh, what a pity.
ReplyDeleteWhat is truly shocking is that he is a former Federal judge.
ReplyDelete'Nuff said