by edison tesla, donplaypuks® intrepid correspondent for criminally over-priced IPP affairs
Donplaypuks® with criminally inflated IPP pricing frauds, o' great debater!
#1 Kundi - tamil for backside
By and large, given the deterioration of spoken and written English over the last 30 years by deliberate BUMNO/SCUMNO government policy and design, one does not in general expect our GLC CEOs to make sound or sensible statements whenever they open their mouths.
More so if they tout about that they were great debaters in school some 30 years ago, and then spout totally illogical garbage and gibberish and indulge in verbally diahorric oratory.
Make no mistake. 1GDB (Grossmajib Development Board) CEO Arul Kaunda Kundi's#1 statement that it paid 3 BUMNO/SCUMNO cronies a criminally illegal over-inflated RM18 billion for their IPPs, to keep electricity tariffs low, belongs right up there with Rowan Atkinson's (Mr.Bean) classic "utter crapulence" charge.
In the last 10 years, Tenaga has raised tariffs twice. Electricity bills have doubled for most home consumers as well as the private sector, across the board.
So, where is the lowering of tariffs that Arul Kaunda Kundi shamelessly claimed without substantiating it one iota? Debater and orator? His alma mater would certainly disown and put him to the sword if he were to remind them he once roamed the corridors there! CLICK HERE for a msm report on Arul Kaunda Kundi's deceitful statement.
So, where is the lowering of tariffs that Arul Kaunda Kundi shamelessly claimed without substantiating it one iota? Debater and orator? His alma mater would certainly disown and put him to the sword if he were to remind them he once roamed the corridors there! CLICK HERE for a msm report on Arul Kaunda Kundi's deceitful statement.
What disgraceful conduct by, I am ashamed to call him that, a man, paid with Taxpayers' hard earned money, to spin and lie on behalf of that scum of a prime minister, serial liar Najib, and his government of murderers, thieves, looters and plunderers. This is no man but a crook who is conspiring with Najib and his thieving Cabinet for the biggest corporate cover-up in our history! Every one of them belongs in a prison cell.
My fellow Malaysians let me be completely candid and straight.
Najib criminally misused 1GDB to siphon billions of ringgit by over-inflating the IPP purchase price by about RM10 billion. It is publicly documented that BUMNO/SCUMNO received huge donations, at least RM250 million, from the ex-IPP crony-owners, financed entirely by the illegal pricing. How much more money found its way into Najib's personal off-shore bank account, one can only guess at.
Corruption, kick-backs and plain stealing has become Najib and BUMNO/SCUMNO's order of business. Not to mention the odd murder or two!
Najib criminally misused 1GDB to siphon billions of ringgit by over-inflating the IPP purchase price by about RM10 billion. It is publicly documented that BUMNO/SCUMNO received huge donations, at least RM250 million, from the ex-IPP crony-owners, financed entirely by the illegal pricing. How much more money found its way into Najib's personal off-shore bank account, one can only guess at.
Corruption, kick-backs and plain stealing has become Najib and BUMNO/SCUMNO's order of business. Not to mention the odd murder or two!
And it's not just sycophants and apologists like Arul Kaunda Kundi straining at the leash to perpetuate Najib's fascist and Mafia state that sickens us. After Kundi's stupid remarks and revelation, one would have thought the MACC and IGP would have pounced on Kundi, Najib and 1GDB's Chairman, Board of Directors and ex-CEOs to interrogate them about the RM18 billion IPP pricing fraud and corruption.
Yet, the action by our exalted authorities is conspicuously glaring by its invisibility, and deafening, by its silence.
What more proof do we need that the leadership at MACC and the IGP is in Najib's pockets, paid to lie, cheat and maintain a police state?
As for Arul Kaunda Kundi, what can we say of a man who is dishonest to the core? If he has an ounce of decency in him, he should resign and expose this government of thieves. Otherwise, he is nothing but dung, a traitor to the nation, robbing without conscience mainly from our sick, huddled and poor Malay masses!
Do note too that now Najib is buying time to flog off control of 1GDB's crown jewels, the land bank, to cover up for its RM46 billion debts (RM4 billion KWAP debt parked in MoF) and losses. Eventually, 1GDB will be restructured to show land bank assets of RM10 billions, as compared to RM51 billion as of 31 March 2014. The assets are being sold to Arab concerns in contra deals to settle 1GDB's inability to service debt capital repayment and debt interest,
And Arul Kaunda Kundi is busy assisting Najib to cook the books. That is why 1GDB's accounts for the year ended 31 March 2015 have yet to be audited. When these audited accounts eventually emerge, if at all, they will be a monument to creative accounting, i.e. a testament to the most blatant of lies and falsehoods.
The message from that serially lying Najib is clear - ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies. He is basically telling us that as long as he generates profits from selling land to cover the multi-billion ringgit losses at 1GDB, no one should look closely at the fraud and looting that has taken place, acts principally committed by none other than himself!
Has there ever been a more dangerous Kingpin criminal and traitor in our history than Prime Minister, Finance Minister, Chairman of 1GDB's Board of Advisers, Najib? Surely not!
Do note too that now Najib is buying time to flog off control of 1GDB's crown jewels, the land bank, to cover up for its RM46 billion debts (RM4 billion KWAP debt parked in MoF) and losses. Eventually, 1GDB will be restructured to show land bank assets of RM10 billions, as compared to RM51 billion as of 31 March 2014. The assets are being sold to Arab concerns in contra deals to settle 1GDB's inability to service debt capital repayment and debt interest,
And Arul Kaunda Kundi is busy assisting Najib to cook the books. That is why 1GDB's accounts for the year ended 31 March 2015 have yet to be audited. When these audited accounts eventually emerge, if at all, they will be a monument to creative accounting, i.e. a testament to the most blatant of lies and falsehoods.
The message from that serially lying Najib is clear - ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies. He is basically telling us that as long as he generates profits from selling land to cover the multi-billion ringgit losses at 1GDB, no one should look closely at the fraud and looting that has taken place, acts principally committed by none other than himself!
Has there ever been a more dangerous Kingpin criminal and traitor in our history than Prime Minister, Finance Minister, Chairman of 1GDB's Board of Advisers, Najib? Surely not!
Donplaypuks® with criminally inflated IPP pricing frauds, o' great debater!
#1 Kundi - tamil for backside
Fabulous stuff, Donplaypuks! I don't know where you get the time and energy for your tireless efforts to combat the Umno/Bumno/Scumno/BN regime, but I sure salute you for it!!! Best, Dean Johns.
ReplyDeleteWith all the skullduggery and the money being in the Cayman Islands, it`s even possible some of it was used to finance cocaine shipmentsbesides financing the US Democratic Party.