All it takes is a close look at the numbers to expose the shameful, deceitful attempt by the Semburit #NotMyGovt to mislead Parliament and the Rakyat (citizens) that ex-Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng, DAP & the PH govt were corrupt. All these smokescreens and red herrings are being thrown around to distract attention from the FACT that ex-UMNO/BN PM Najib Razak was convicted, fined RM210 MILLION and sentenced to 72 years in jail in the RM42 million SRC corruption/abuse of power case and ex-DMP Zahid Hamidi faces 47 charges for AMLA, corruption, abuse of power etc., not to mention a slew of UMNO politicians facing similar court cases.
Here are what close scrutiny of the figures clearly PROVE:
1. RM4.5 BILLION or 68% (nearly 2/3) of the RM6.61 billion relates to a double railway electrification contract awarded by the ex-UMNO/BN govt to Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT, a GLC) on the last day of the BN govt in March 2018. Subsequently the PH govt managed to reduce the contract by RM800 MILLION!!!
2. RM900 MILLION (nearly 14%) relates to RMAF aircraft maintenance defence and related contracts which are continuations of BN contracts which CANNOT be secured by OPEN TENDER due to urgency AND limited expertise.
3. A contract for RM271 MILLION was awarded to Datasonic S/B linked to Zahid Hamidi's corruption trial.
4. Only an idiot would include in this list RM30 million paid for World Cup Football tv transmission, as the rights were held by 1 company only, AND the cost was 100% subsidized by Maxis & Air Asia!!!
5. In conclusion almost 99.77% of RM6.61 BILLION represents contracts signed under UMNO/BN ex-govt of thieves, MNC expert contractors or under a genuine certificate of emergency involving national security.
Corruption by ex-PH govt? LIES, LIES and more LIES by Semburit #NotMyGovt under #NotMyPM Muhyiddin.
The Rakyat must vote them out the first chance we get!