The World Anthem
by e.s. shankar
All it takes is a close look at the numbers to expose the shameful, deceitful attempt by the Semburit #NotMyGovt to mislead Parliament and the Rakyat (citizens) that ex-Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng, DAP & the PH govt were corrupt. All these smokescreens and red herrings are being thrown around to distract attention from the FACT that ex-UMNO/BN PM Najib Razak was convicted, fined RM210 MILLION and sentenced to 72 years in jail in the RM42 million SRC corruption/abuse of power case and ex-DMP Zahid Hamidi faces 47 charges for AMLA, corruption, abuse of power etc., not to mention a slew of UMNO politicians facing similar court cases.
Here are what close scrutiny of the figures clearly PROVE:
1. RM4.5 BILLION or 68% (nearly 2/3) of the RM6.61 billion relates to a double railway electrification contract awarded by the ex-UMNO/BN govt to Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT, a GLC) on the last day of the BN govt in March 2018. Subsequently the PH govt managed to reduce the contract by RM800 MILLION!!!
2. RM900 MILLION (nearly 14%) relates to RMAF aircraft maintenance defence and related contracts which are continuations of BN contracts which CANNOT be secured by OPEN TENDER due to urgency AND limited expertise.
3. A contract for RM271 MILLION was awarded to Datasonic S/B linked to Zahid Hamidi's corruption trial.
4. Only an idiot would include in this list RM30 million paid for World Cup Football tv transmission, as the rights were held by 1 company only, AND the cost was 100% subsidized by Maxis & Air Asia!!!
5. In conclusion almost 99.77% of RM6.61 BILLION represents contracts signed under UMNO/BN ex-govt of thieves, MNC expert contractors or under a genuine certificate of emergency involving national security.
Corruption by ex-PH govt? LIES, LIES and more LIES by Semburit #NotMyGovt under #NotMyPM Muhyiddin.
The Rakyat must vote them out the first chance we get!
by e.s.shankar
With regard to the RM6.3 billion Penang Tunnel contract, alleged corruption case/charges and based on MACC documents leaked and published at RPK's website, it would appear that:
1. Lim Guan Eng (LGE) NEVER asked for any bribe. NEVER!
2. Accuser Zarul Zulkifli, MD of Zenith Construction, NEVER gave any corrupt money directly to LGE. NEVER!
ALL we have are Zarul's words that the alleged payments were in cash for which he neither had witnesses nor receipts. He is also on public record of having said in 2019 that there was no corruption and that MACC had cleared him. Refer
So, it would appear that there is absolutely no prima facie case against LGE.
Zarul also says he gave bribes to ex-BN Ministers or their representatives as follows:
1. Nazri Aziz
2. Ismail Sabri
3. Nur Jazlan
4. Rahman Dahlan
Why is it that LGE has been charged with SOLICITING a bribe but not BN Ministers or Zarul for allegedly bribing politicians?
All we seem to have are mere allegations with not a shred of visible or tangible proof.
Is this a case of selective prosecution and LGE, a victim of a political witch hunt, as claimed by some DAP and other politicians, including Mahathir?
by e.s. shankar

What are the most important things that have emerged about the character of Najib Tun Razak - ex-Prime Minister, Finance Minister and 1MDB founder and Chief Advisor/Sole Authority - vis-a-vis his 28th July 2020 conviction on all 7 charges in the SRC RM42 million Corruption (abuse of power), Criminal Breach of Trust (CBT) and Money-laundering (MLA) case?
Imho, they are:
1. He is still in a state of denial despite the fact that he was told subsequently that the money was transferred from SRC to his personal bank a/c.
2. He has not expressed any remorse about spending the RM42 million, much of it for political gain and also personal and family expenses.
3. He has not once mentioned making repayment of a single cent of the RM42 million. That money has disappeared forever. Why should the Rakyat be stuck with the bill?
RM42 million is not peanuts by any standard, anywhere. So, the 12-year concurrent sentence and RM210 million fine seems very appropriate. He's lucky he's not already serving time at Bamboo River Resort!
There is also the larger issue of the missing RM2 BILLION so-called Saudi Royal donation (rubbished by the judge) which he claimed he returned to the donor. But the United States Department of Justice (USDoJ) states in its 2016 & 2017 Statutory Declarations that it was returned to an offshore bank a/c controlled by Jho Low!!!
How did this man ever become our Prime Minister?